झूठी WIFE को जेल भेजो !!!

दोस्त, रिश्तेदार और पड़ोसी से सावधान !!

पत्नी द्वारा पीड़ित पुरुष और उनके परिवार और NRI पति कृपया ध्यान दें !
सावधान: अगर आप अपनी पत्नी के खिलाफ शिकायत (Complaint) करना चाहते हैं तो रुक जाइये नहीं तो आपकी अपनी शिकायत आपके खुद के खिलाफ उलटी पड़ जायेगी और भारतीय कानून आपकी अबला नारी की ही सुनेगा और आपको पत्नी के खिलाफ अनाप-शनाप बातें लिखने का दोषी करार दिया जाएगा, इसलिए आपको अपनी पत्नी के खिलाफ शिकायत नहीं करनी बल्कि एक स्ट्रांग LTR लगाना है वो भी enforceability के साथ, तभी आपकी पत्नी के खिलाफ कोई एक्शन होगा नहीं तो आप खुद अपनी ही कंप्लेंट / शिकायत में फंस जाओगे | प्यारे प्यारे दोस्तों, अगर आपकी पत्नी आपको झूठे केस में फंसाने की धमकी देती है या गालियां देती है या परेशान  करती है या झूठा मुकदमा करती है तो आपको अपनी पत्नी के खिलाफ तुरंत एक स्ट्रांग LTR (या Silent LTR जो आपकी पत्नी को पता ही नहीं चले) लगा देना चाहिए | LTR के बारे में अधिक जानकारी के लिए ये पूरा पेज ध्यान से पढ़ें | और LTR से सम्बंधित किसी भी प्रकार की मदद के लिए नीचे दिए ईमेल पर संपर्क करें| आपका धन्यवाद दोस्तों| भगवान् (और भारतीय कानून) आपकी मदद करे यही हमारा प्रयास है ताकि कोई भी पत्नी अपने पति या उसके परिवार को झूठे मुकदद्मों के सोशल स्टिग्मा (SOCIAL STIGMA) में न झोंक सके|

संपत्ति के मुकदमों में रिश्तेदारों द्वारा परेशान लोग और NRI लोग यह पढ़ें?
सावधान: अगर आपका कोई रिश्तेदार आपकी संपत्ति हड़पने के लिए आपके खिलाफ झूठी शिकायत (Complaint) या कोर्ट केस करता है और आप वकील करना चाहते हैं तो रुक जाइये नहीं तो आपके सबूत (Evidences) बेचे जा सकते हैं। आपको इस बात का ध्यान रखना है क़ि आपको किसी भी वकील (Advocate) पर आँख मूँद कर विश्वास नहीं करना है नहीं तो आप जीता जिताया कोर्ट केस भी हार जाओगे। और अगर आपकी opposite party ने आपका वकील खरीद लिया तो आपको कोर्ट केस हरवाने के लिए आपका अपना वकील आपके तथ्य तोड़ मरोड़ कर इस तरह लिखेगा क़ि आप कोर्ट केस हार जाओगे और appeal में जाने पर भी कुछ नहीं होगा क्योंकि आपका Right to Representation मारा जा चूका होगा यानि क़ि आपको सोची समझी साजिश के तहत जीता जिताया केस भी हरवा दिया जायेगा। इसलिए अगर आपके पास सबूत हैं तो आपको वकील बिलकुल भी नहीं करना है और आपको सरकारी रिकार्ड्स भी खुद ही निकलवाने हैं या हमें कहिये ताकि आप जिसको भी जो भी पैसा दें वो आपके केस में ही इस्तेमाल हो न क़ि उसको कोई हड़प ले और आपका केस भी बिगड़ दे। ऐसे वकीलों से आपको एकदम सावधान रहने क़ि ज़रुरत है नहीं तो आप डिप्रेशन में चले जाओगे और केस भी हार जाओगे। याद रहे क़ि अगर आपको पुलिस में या कोर्ट केस में कोई भी मदद चाहिए तो हमसे संपर्क कीजिये ताकि हम ईमानदारी से आपके हक़ के लिए काम करें और आपको झूठे मुकदमों के दलदल से विजेता बनकर निकलने में योगदान दे सकें, इसलिए आपको झूठे प्रॉपर्टी या फॅमिली मैटर या मैट्रिमोनियल डिस्प्यूट में कभी वकील (advocate) से बात नहीं करनी है और अपने रिश्तेदारों या अपनी पत्नी के खिलाफ शिकायत नहीं करनी बल्कि एक स्ट्रांग LTR लगाना है वो भी enforceability के साथ, तभी आपको झूठे केस (मुकदमों) से जल्दी मुक्त किया जायेगा अन्यथा नहीं।

किरायेदार की पत्नी, सह कर्मचारी, गर्लफ्रेंड, Rape/354/POCSO से पीड़ित?
सावधान: अगर आपका कोई किरायेदार आपकी प्रॉपर्टी हड़पने के लिए अपनी पत्नी से आपके खिलाफ झूठी छेड़-छाड़ या बलात्कार (rape) क़ि शिकायत (Complaint) या कोर्ट केस करता है या आपकी गर्लफ्रेंड आपको ब्लैकमेल करके आपसे पैसे हड़पने के लिए झूठा मुकदमा (376 or 354 or 377) करती है या आपके ऑफिस की साथी या (employee) आप से पैसा ऐंठने (extort) करने के लिए झूठा केस करती है या कोई आपको जान से मारने की धमकी देता है या आपकी गर्लफ्रेंड की मम्मी आप लोगों की फ्रेंडशिप तोड़ने के लिए अपनी बेटी की तरफ से आपके ऊपर झूठा POCSO का मुकदमा करवा देती है जिसमे 100% जेल हो सकती है और आप निर्दोष हैं तो आपको अपने कोई भी सबूत या Evidences या Documents या Recordings या वीडियो या Whatsapp Chats किसी वकील को बताने नहीं चाहिए और ना ही उठा कर पुलिस को देने चाहिए नहीं तो आपके सबूत (Evidences Documents Proofs Chats etc) आपकी opposite party को बेचे जा सकते हैं। आपको ऐसे मामलों में किसी भी वकील (Advocate) को नहीं करना है नहीं तो आप से पैसे ऐंठने के लिए पुलिस, वकील,जज,complainant सब मिल जायेंगे और आप जीता जिताया कोर्ट केस या पुलिस कंप्लेंट भी हार जाओगे। और आपको गलती से पाबन्दी नामा sign नहीं करना है नहीं तो आपको पाबन्द कर दिया जायेगा कानूनी तौर से वो भी बिना सबूत के। लेकिन अगर आपने वकालतनामा SIGN कर दिया है तो वकील आपके behalf पर पाबंदिनामा हस्ताक्षर कर के आपको कोर्ट में पेश कर देगा और आपको पाबंद कर दिया जायेगा इसलिए आपको किसी भी मुक़दमे में वकील का वकालतनामा sign नहीं करना और ना ही अपने सबूत या मैटर या FIR नंबर या थाने की लोकेशन या I.O. का नाम तक किसी वकील के साथ share नहीं करना चाहिए नहीं तो आपको कोर्ट केस हरवाने के लिए आपका अपना वकील दूसरी party के वकील के साथ मिलकर आपके तथ्य तोड़ मरोड़ कर इस तरह लिखेगा और आपका RIGHT TO SUE भी खतम करवा दिया जायेगा यानि क़ि आपको सोची समझी साजिश के तहत जीता जिताया केस भी हरवा दिया जायेगा। इसलिए अगर आपके पास सबूत हैं तो आपको वकील बिलकुल भी नहीं करना है और अगर आपको पुलिस में या कोर्ट केस में कोई भी मदद चाहिए तो हमसे संपर्क कीजिये ताकि हम ईमानदारी से आपके हक़ के लिए आपकी मदद कर सकें।

My B&W Poster of Year 2014 (One Man Army)

Page 2 of above poster (This is HOW i started)

Counter/ Criminal Case Against wife [LTR] is a must to get out of false 498a, 125, dv, RCR etc 

=}   झूठी WIFE को जेल भेजने  के लिये छटपटाना सीख ले

NRI Success Story

Read these below explanations very carefully to understand why you should fight party in person with the help of LTR and why you should never use any lawyer in this fight against false cases.


Below are my personal views only. Terms & Conditions & Disclaimer at this website and also at website http://manhelpdelhi.blogspot.com applies to the below so kindly read all those before reading any further.

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"
Atur Chatur is strictly against using any lawyer or advocate for this fight against false cases or at least there may NOT be any advocate or lawyer for the husband if the husband is a highly educated person. For the family members or relatives of the husband the lawyer or advocate may be used sparingly as & when required. All this fight against false cases & SOCIAL STIGMA on u & family must be through writeup or written arguments or written manner or written statement or by using RTI, FA, SA, CIC, Senior Police Circulars, High Court & Supreme Court Judgments, MHA Advisory and other guidelines issued by relevant authorities to police & courts regarding how to handle MATRIMONIAL DISPUTES.

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"
Atur Chatur is First Division Holder in PG and has cleared several Law subjects. Atur Chatur has also cleared prestigious M.Phil (Research) with First Division. Atur Chatur has also cleared prestigious UGC (NET) being eligible for Lectureships all over India and having worked in University of Delhi (North Campus) top most college in Department of Commerce & many other colleges under D.U. for many years. Atur Chatur also has private teaching experience of many Law subjects for around two decades (i.e., around 20 years). Atur Chatur is now committed to help husbands break these false cases without his clients themselves passing LLB exams or may be without even taking assistance of any LLB or LLM or Doctorate in LAW (Ph.D in LAW) even though himself / most of his clients may be brilliant enough to pass such reputed exams with great ease themselves. Atur Chatur encourages PARTY-IN-PERSON fighting these false cases and this is allowed under the law and There are no provisions in law through which engagement of advocate is compulsory. Person may file or defend any case personally without engaging advocate. You may plead case of your relative in court after securing power of attorney from your relative subject to permission of council of 32 of Advocate Act. Therefore, No authority including Judges & even Bar Council of India can technically stop you from contesting your case party in person and the husband can even contest the court case of his relatives also without a Law Degree or Law Certificate r/w Section-32 of Advocates Act 1961. And for any other person if you want to contest without obtaining a law degree then the procedure may be difficult but NOT impossible as per Section-32 of the Advocates Act 1961 which says that, "Power of Court to permit appearances in particular cases.—Notwithstanding anything contained in this Chapter, any court, authority, or person may permit any person, not enrolled as an advocate under this Act, to appear before it or him in any particular case." as per Section-13 of Family Courts Act even in Family Court husband may NOT allow his intelligent & educated & smart wifey to use the services of a lawyer. Right to legal representation.-Notwithstanding anything contained in any law, no party to a suit or proceeding before a Family Court shall be entitled, as of right, to be represented by a legal practitioner: -Notwithstanding anything contained in any law, no party to a suit or proceeding before a Family Court shall be entitled, as of right, to be represented by a legal practitioner\:" Provided that if the Family Court considers it necessary in the interest of justice, it may seek the assistance of a legal expert as amicus curiae. Husband must ensure that the wife comes to a family court herself alone without using the best counsel of the town who may guide her tricks to fool a husband in a false case by beautiful wifey.

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"
Atur Chatur may suggest the husbands or non resident Indians husbands to fight their court cases party-in-person because there are laws & duties & responsibilities in India which need to be followed by the government officers be it police or the courts or the judges but if you involve any agent to talk on your behalf then such agent may either NOT guide you your rights or laws or such agent may NOT guide you the duties & responsibilities which police has to follow or such agent may NOT guide you where the judge has erred under the law or where the judge has NOT followed HC or SC Judgments which may be mandatory under the law like FAO 369/1996 Maintenance Judgement whose affidavit if duly enforced by husband can NOT JUST deny maintenance to well earning wife but which may also result in your beautiful wifey going behind the bars for FALSE Sworn Affidavit (On Oath) r/w section 191 & 193 but Atur Chatur may also would like to open the eyes of husbands & NRI husbands that there may be possibility that if you involve any agent in this matrimonial dispute then he may directly contact the opposite party’s agent and may not let the dispute settle unless he gets his share or he may fix a deal with the wife or with the wife agent to get the wife out from the penal provisions of law or to prevent the wife from going to jail by promising the wife that he will misguide the husband or NRI and for this such agent may accept favors in cash or may be in kind from your ever gracious & beautiful wifey. Well, I just watched an interesting movie HADD KAR DI AAPNE just now and Atur Chatur may suggest the husbands & non-resident Indian husbands to watch this nice movie (unethical advocate) immediately before its too late and you make blunder mistakes in your matrimonial dispute.



सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Divorce LawyerIndia / advocate/ counsel of husband or NRI, may advise you to file DISCHARGE and this discharge stage comes after framing of charges i.e., when the charges are framed on you (but our question is why to let the charges framed on you when you have tones of evidences in your favor) then your lawyer/ advocate may ask you to file discharge application to get you discharged from the criminal case but Atur Chatur may advise you to file counter attacks before Framing of Charges (FOC) stage itself or Atur Chatur may try his level best that charges are not framed against you based on your evidences if the case is false hence there may be no need for discharge from criminal case if the charges are not framed. Human Rights may also be invoked to stop this false criminal case charges getting fixed on you hence there may be no need to file discharge if the charges are not framed on you. Check:-http://www.humanrightsofnri.com

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband or NRI,  may advise you to file EXEMPTION or Personal Exemption from appearance or Permanent Exemption from appearance until 313 CrPC but Atur Chatur may suggest you to file around 70-80 Legal or Technicality based Preliminary Objections within your WS as per which this false case can not be moved ahead with by the judge neither technically nor legally. Or Atur Chatur may suggest the husband or NRI with Lego-Technical Fallacy related Preliminary Objections for false 498a Criminal Case or for false PWDVA (false Domestic Violence) Complaint of wife.

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband or NRI, may suggest the NRI / Foreign Citizen to come to India to fight these false cases however Atur Chatur may suggest the Non-Resident Indian / Indian husband to concentrate on his job & career outside India and Atur Chatur may suggest the NRI to fight these false cases through RTI, FA, SA, CIC, CCS Rules, No Dowry Declaration, LOC (Look Out Circular) Issues, Passport Issues, POA to Parents only as last resort, breaking these false cases by valid verified representations, false dowry break write-up, 420 IPC, Legal Extortion, CrPC 91, Perjury, malicious prosecution, human rights violation, forensic test or whatsapp issues or CCTV Issues, CDR Records & Mobile Tower Location/ Employment Records/ U.S. Country laws or Lease Agreement Issues vis-à-vis no confinement of wife possibility in USA/ UK.

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband or NRI, may advise the NRI to immediately file quash i.e., NRI QUASH as that may be a quick buck method and very huge fees may be charged in the name of Quash u/s 482 CrPC but Atur Chatur may try to advise the husband or NRI to give adhangi to this false case in lower court itself so that this false case falls very badly on the ground based on its falsity or illegality or non-technicality like False Legal Identity used by wife or 23(1) versus 23(2) of DV Act or Human Rights or Non-Triability of wife’s petition or false case due to High Court or Supreme Court Judgments. NOTE:- This adhangi may be based on legality based issues or technicalilty based issues. ADHANGI in Hindi means TAANG ADHANA which means to just put a leg between the leg of another so that another person falls on the ground as per High Court or Supreme Court Judgments. Here Atur Chatur may advise you to file very simple-simple applications or may advise you to file very-very strong WS (written statement) so that charges are not framed on the husband so easily as the judge is duty bound to record in writing each & every Preliminary Objection of husband and he is also duty bound to record the reasons for denying this objection but if these Preliminary Objections are based on latest High Court or Supreme Court Judgments then even the judge can not deny your objection and this poses technical hurdle before a judge to move ahead with your wife’s petition because denying those Preliminary Objections of husband would mean not obeying High Court or Supreme Court Judgments (which a lower court judge can not do. Even a DJ is NOT authorized to not follow HC or SC Judgments) and husband must remember that neither the FIR & nor the Charge Sheet means a Criminal Case against you. Criminal Case is fixed on the husband only when the charges are framed (FOC) so Atur Chatur may advise you to file valid verified representations before FOC Stage may be r/w 211 r/w 506 & 511 IPC which may DEFINITELY pose legal hurdle or technical hurdle before the Judge to frame charges on the husband otherwise that may attract Contempt of Court or Disciplinary Action against that judge read with Arnesh Kumar Judgment/ MHA Advisory or Supreme Court Judgment if the judge chooses to move ahead with a false case or further Atur Chatur may also suggest the NRI husband/ Indian husband to file valid verified lacunae in charge sheet & thereby husband can legally & technically request the court to return the charge sheet due to these lacunae thereby action against the beloved wifey u/s 211 r/w 506 & 511 IPC for lodging false FIR and further r/w fair & unbiased investigation r/w CrPC 91 may result in legal action or FIR against your beloved wifey. ADHANGI APPROACH is also known as SUI-TALWAR APPROAH which means that where SUI (Needle) is required there TALWAR (Sword) should not be used. For Example:- If the case can be falled down in lower court itself then one should not directly jump to higher court for quash etc i.e., one should jump to a higher level only after exhausting all available opportunities at the lower level. Hence, Quash may NOT be suggested by Atur Chatur because simple NEEDLE TYPE or small yet lego-technically effective application/s may be used in lower court to get the wife’s false or lego-technical fallacy petition dismissed. Check:-http://nriquash.com

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband or NRI, may suggest the husband or NRI to file BAIL or may suggest that husband doesn’t get custody of minor children or that husband doesn’t get custody of girl child or may suggest the husband or NRI to return the child in PS/ CAW to make his case stronger or may suggest the husband to fall in the foot of DCP after CAW (90 Days) and to request the DCP to follow the procedure as per law or may suggest the husband or NRI to not to file any counter cases or hold/ delay all those valid verified representations i.e., PROCASTINATION or he may suggest the Indian husband / NRI to follow the wait and watch policy but Atur Chatur may suggest you two maxims viz., “FIRST AVAILABLE OPPORTUNITY” and “AAJ AGAR KHAMOSH RAHE TO KAL SAB KUCHH LUT JAYEGA” which means that Atur Chatur may suggest you to immediately file (i.e., to file at first available opportunity) all those counter cases & RTI, FA, SA, CIC, Perjury, CrPC 91 which exactly fit into husband’s facts and circumstances based on false & wild & concocted allegations of his wife and further Atur Chatur may suggest the husband some steps to win custody and deny even the visitation to the wife if she is adulterous or non-chaste and subsequently Atur Chatur may even suggest husband or NRI some steps to deny maintenance or permanent alimony to your wife. Further, Atur Chatur may suggest that husband may certainly win custody of minor children if he follows all the advises of Atur Chatur or that husband or NRI may definitely get custody of girl child. Atur Chatur may never suggest the husband or NRI to return the child in PS/ CAW to make his case stronger because in that way the husband or NRI may forever lose custody. Further, Atur Chatur may never suggest the husband or NRI to apply for his BAIL or INTERIM BAIL or NOTICE BAIL or TRANSIT BAIL or ANTICIPATORY BAIL and instead may guide you some steps through which the police may conduct fair & unbiased investigation which may even result in FIR against your beloved wifey as happened in the case of the famous ROHTAK SISTERS 2014 where Atur Chatur may help the Boys due to which 200 page Chargesheet prepared against the girls itself who filed false case on boys. Atur Chatur may never suggest the husband or NRI to give back the child or girl child or infant child but instead Atur Chatur may suggest you ways to get custody of infant child, girl child or minor child r/w section 89 IPC and Atur Chatur may also suggest the husband or NRI some ways to get custody of your own child whom your wife either separated/ removed from the natural habitat of the child or to whom (minor children) your wife abandoned due to her whims & fancies or career/ adultery/ unfit mother/ immaturity etc. NOTE:- Immaturity of your wife can be proved read with the famous Justice Dhingra Judgment of Delhi High Court or other methods.

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband or NRI, may suggest the husband or NRI to NOT to file any custody or visitation and if the husband may have already filed custody before appointing such new counsel/ advocate then he may EVEN ask the husband/ NRI to withdrew such custody application but Atur Chatur may never ask the husband/ NRI to withdraw any of his applications because as per maxim, “WITHDRAWAL IS AS GOOD AS DISMISSED” hence if the husband or NRI withdraws the custody application then that means that the husband or NRI has accepted his defeat (apni legs par khud hi kulhadhi maarna) and thereafter the husband cannot file new custody application with the same facts or averments again and he would have to justify the earlier withdrawal of custody application and by that time the wife may already be in a much stronger position. Hence, it is advised that Atur Chatur may kindly be contacted for custody issues. But if that has happened then also need not worry because, a father has certain rights/ emancipation rights & human rights and some other rights which are not affected by withdrawal of custody application and as per those rights, even if the husband (father of minor child) has withdrawn such custody application either directly & deliberately or out of ignorance or may be by misguidance by any of his lawyer or advocate, even in those adverse circumstances, such husband may be suggested some steps by Atur Chatur, to make the custody case of husband or NRI stronger or to get his case reach near settlement. Check:- http://SettlementWala.com

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband or NRI, may inculcate / instill fear in the husband/ NRI that the husband may be jailed/ arrested or convicted and thereby he may suggest the husband or NRI, that husband must get bail for all his family members including bail for the husband and also bail of all those whose names are put in the false FIR by your wife but Atur Chatur is strictly against applying for bail (because NOT applying BAIL has various merits) if certain steps vis-à-vis fair & unbiased investigation and some RTI, FA, SA, CIC (read with Arnesh Kumar Judgment & MHA Advisories or HC/ SC Judgments) is followed right from the CAW stage itself hence Atur Chatur may also suggest you some steps regarding how to protect the husband from arbitrary arrest.

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband or NRI, may suggest you to file RTI after Charge Sheet but Atur Chatur may suggest the husband or non-resident Indian husband to file valid verified RTI, FA, SA, CIC or other legality based or technicality based write-ups immediately after FIR and/or before CS (chargesheet) or may be even before FIR i.e., CAW Stage itself or even before that stage i.e., when wife leaves home of husband or even at that stage when the wife is about to leave home or at that stage when the wife is abusive or that stage where the wife threatens to file false cases i.e., PFFC (Protection from False Cases) read with Supreme Court Judgment/ Ministry of Home Affairs advisory based write-ups.

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband or NRI, may suggest the husband/ NRI to concentrate on his life & career by settlement of false cases by paying some/ huge amount (legal extortion equivalent amount) to his wife but Atur Chatur may suggest the husband to get rid of cruel wife through lego-technical write-ups or lego-technical RCR (Restitution of Conjugal Rights u/s 9 of Hindu Marriage Act) followed by lego-technical write-up to convert it into Divorce or lego-technical DIVORCE writeup and thereby legality based or technicality based forced yet legal & technical settlement or Atur Chatur may suggest the husband or NRI to file valid verified counter cases/ legal action/ FIR against the wife because she filed false FIR and false DV and false CRPC 125 and false Civil Suits or false MAINTENANCE court cases against the Indian husband or NRI with the sole motive of legal extortion or other oblique motives (based on evidences or rebuttals of husband).

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband or NRI, may suggest the husband to talk to him for free as many times as possible or may start avoiding the husband/ NRI  when the husband gets trapped in legal extortion/ maintenance/ perjury/ gender discrimination or such Lawyer or advocate of husband may ask the husband or NRI to give him POA (power of attorney) or else may suggest the husband or NRI that he may be arrested/ convicted or further the Lawyer/ advocate of husband may contact the opposite party i.e., the wife of NRI or her counsel/ advocate for undisclosed reasons, but, Atur Chatur may never ask the husband or NRI to give contact details of his wife or her counsel and further, Atur Chatur may never contact the wife of Indian husband or NRI for any undisclosed favors and this has NEVER happened till date i.e.,  March 17, 2017. Further, Atur Chatur is committed to give the nation ONE GOOD JUDGMENT which will end these false matrimonial cases forever and this quest/ thirst of Atur Chatur will REMAIN OPEN even after judgments unless & until the stage of perfection or the stage of near perfection is achieved. Further, Atur Chatur may never put fear in the husband’s mind regarding arrest/ conviction. Instead Atur Chatur may suggest the husband or NRI some steps (legal or technical steps) or may suggest some lego-technical DIPLOMATIC STAND to the husband/ NRI based on which it may become technically difficult for the police to arrest the husband without following a set procedure under the law or as per standing instructions by Senior Police Officers or as per advisories issued by MHA (Ministry of Home Affairs) or as per High Court or Supreme Court Judgments (as IO is duty bound to follow those) and any deviation from law may even attract Perjury Against Police as the I.O. or IO (Investigation Officer or Enquiry officer in case of CAW) is duty bound to follow the legal & technical procedure which a corrupt cop may try to bypass due to corruption or due to other undisclosed favors received in kind from the beautiful wife of Indian husband/ NRI.

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer/ advocate of husband or NRI, may suggest you to give him POA or give POA to your relative/ friend in India to fight these false cases so that he can put himself into your case but Atur Chatur may strictly against use of any lawyer or advocate and Atur Chatur may ask the Indian husband/ NRI to fight these false cases without coming to India. Atur Chatur may even ask you to use the POA as a last resort and NOT to use this powerful fighting tool earliest possible as may be suggested by some lawyer/ advocate. A lot of fighting tactics may be suggested by Atur Chatur before giving any POA to anyone. Do NOT give POA without getting consultation on phone with Atur Chatur as may be suggested by Atur Chatur.

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer/ advocate of husband/NRI, may suggest the husband or NRI to not to get prepared expert & professionally drafted TEP (Tax Evasion Petition) in the form of RTI especially when the husband has got his hands on uncertified copy of false Domestic Violence case of his wife, however, Atur Chatur may suggest the husband or NRI to get his expert false dowry break writeup prepared from none other than Atur Chatur which may necessarily include not just TEP but also a lot more false dowry breaking fighting tools within that False Dowry Break Writeup so that, when the DV Summons may actually reach the husband from the court (process server) then within 24 hours of receipt of those DV Summons, the husband may complaint to relevant authorities whose list may be provided by Atur Chatur because within 24 hours complaint is called as NO AFTER THOUGHTS i.e., a genuine complaint which NOT just makes the case of husband (false dowry break writeup) stronger before the relevant authorities but which may also make the relevant authority duty bound to initiate action against the wife & her witnesses who are supporting those false claims of wife (especially those witnesses who are close family relatives of the wife and who are in Government Job or were in Government Job at the time of marriage read necessarily with Government Conduct/ CCS Rules r/w Dowry Prohibition Act 1961).

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband/NRI, may suggest the Indian husband/ NRI to NOT to file Perjury application or CrPC 91 application or NO CAUSE OF ACTION application or NO DOMESTIC RELATIONSHIP application or NAME FRAUD APPLICATION (i.e., Identity Fraud Application against the wife vis-à-vis Maiden name/ Married name) or PRELIMINARY OBJECTIONS until your human rights are violated r/w http://humanrightsofnri.com i.e., until the matter is put under trial, whereas, Atur Chatur may be strictly against holding those applications as husband/NRI may lose his cases if he delays those applications, and further, Atur Chatur may suggest the husband/NRI to file CrPC 91 and Perjury and may be other applications also at first available opportunity & (Without any lawyer & Sitting right outside India through draft assistance by Atur Chatur and of course supported by tonnes of evidences & documentary proofs which the husband/ NRI have) AND further, Atur Chatur may also suggest the Indian husband/ NRI how to technically reserve his rights of filing again CrPC 91 & Perjury at later stages as & when required. Atur Chatur may also suggest the Indian husband/ NRI how to press the perjury application and may also suggest how to file ARREST WARRANT AGAINST THE WIFE related writeup against wife who may willfully disobeys court orders (Contempt of Court) in order to avoid replying to strong perjury applications by the husband/ NRI.

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer/ advocate of husband/NRI, may suggest the husband / NRI to NOT to file dp3 complaint against the wife and her relatives. Lawyer/ advocate of husband/NRI, may even suggest the husband/ NRI that such complaints don’t work in real life scenario, but, Atur Chatur may suggest you a very strong writeup visa-vis dp3 complaint against your wife if the situation so warrants and may even include those sections or judgments as per which the court may be pleased (or duty bound) to order registration of FIR against your beloved wifey and her relatives or witnesses specifically and exhaustively.

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband/NRI, may suggest the husband to immediately file Divorce or RCR and may misguide you due to his busy schedule or inexpertise/ lack of experience or may be due to other reasons and without getting a complete understanding of Custody Issues or Maintenance Issues or Arrest Issues related to sensitive nature of a matrimonial dispute, but, Atur Chatur may always advise you the perfect approach vis-à-vis RCR versus Divorce based on his expertise & experiences having worked with many husband/ NRI victims of false cases for past many years. In rare cases, Atur Chatur may advise the husband/ NRI to file RCR especially when the wife’s vexatious complaint writer has written the NRI’s wife’s complaint in such a cunning & technical or vexatious manner that it may doom the long standing career or money or reputation of the NRI but the NRI/ Indian husband might be in need of some time to fight these false cases through some lego-techncial writeups. Further, Atur Chatur may also suggest the Indian husband/ NRI some steps i.e., how to convert RCR into Divorce vis-à-vis Change of Circumstances or may be after collecting evidences against the wife through RTI, FA, SA, CIC & OTHER METHODS which may be suggested to the NRI by Atur Chatur. And, Atur Chatur may also suggest the husband to withdraw RCR and file Divorce based on those evidences which have been collected by the husband/ NRI as per his guidance. This may or may not be diplomatic stand but this may certainly protect the husband and his family from arbitrary arrest or arbitrary orders or arbitrary provisions contained in PWDVA which give wider powers to even to the smallest judge i.e., MM (Metropolitan Magistrate) who can snatch away the rights of men/ husband ex-parte i.e., even before the husband knows about his or his relative’s lockers or bank accounts sealed and other ex-parte orders or interim orders which have been granted to the court of domestic violence i.e., mahila court i.e., fast track court. Atur Chatur may suggest the husband some steps or strategies vis-a-vis how to fight false domestic violence

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer/ advocate of husband/NRI, may not be having his own experience in fighting these false cases himself through RTI, FA, SA, CIC, Contempt of CIC complaint against CIC, Complaint against judge/s including Principle Judges whereas Atur Chatur may have such experiences & expertise to handle such sensitive matters with supporting evidences (or documentary evidences).

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer/ advocate of husband/NRI, may not have his own experience filing complaint against a judge/ MM where a Judge & MM may have recused herself from his own case or from his client’s case after catching the document based lies of such judge i.e., by presenting non-rebuttable documented proofs against that judge/MM however Atur Chatur may have such experiences & expertise. Check:-http://www.documentsmisplacedbycourt.blogspot.com

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband or NRI, may not have ever invoked human rights in his entire career & such Lawyer or advocate may even laugh at such invoking of human rights as if this is something impossible however Atur Chatur may have invoked human rights as per his own personal experiences and also as per his clients’ experiences under the guidance & assistance of Atur Chatur.

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband/NRI, may suggest the husband/ NRI to immediately apply BAIL whereas Atur Chatur may suggest the non-resident Indian husband & Indian husbands to fight these false cases NOT by bail or rail or jail but by concentrating on CrPC 41a & CrPC 91 because these two provisions under the code of criminal procedure can not just protect the husband & his relatives from arrest but can also result in Chargesheet & FIR against the wife for lodging false police complaint which is a crime under the law.

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband/NRI, may suggest the husband NOT to speak anything in a criminal matter and he may tell you that onus is on wife to prove her false criminal case, but, Atur Chatur may also guide you the same law points to the least, but, Atur Chatur may also suggest you some more strategies to handle a criminal case (or may be lot of strategies) vis-à-vis a criminal case so that as soon as the husband is acquitted or honorarily acquitted or acquitted for want of evidences or acquitted due to benefit of doubt then immediately his cases (which he filed before FOC) may become super strong against his wife whose chances of conviction may become almost 100% (i.e., the wife may go to jail with damn surety as per the writeups which may be prepared by Atur Chatur or guided by Atur Chatur).

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband or NRI,  may advise you to NOT file any application related to fair & unbiased investigation whereas Atur Chatur may NOT just advise you to file fair & unbiased investigation related writeups but may also suggest SC/ HC Judgments in respect thereof.

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband or NRI,  may NEVER advise you to file RECALL before a Judge on legality based issues or technicality based issues where a Judge is responsible for error of law or where the judgment or the order by the judge is illegal or where the order or judgment has been obtained by the wife through fraud on court but Atur Chatur ,ay ALWAYS advise to file RECALL where order from the judge has been obtained by the wife through fraud or misrepresentation. Atur Chatur may also suggest you judgments from his own experience or expertise which may make such RECALL application legally & technically valid under the law for the time being in force in India.

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband or NRI,  may advise NEVER advise you to file REVIEW application before the DISTRICT JUDGE as the DJ has wider powers under the law to review NOT just the powers of a MM but also has to the powers under the law to review the decision of a senior most judge be it a JFC (Judge Family Court) or PJ (Principal Judge). However, Atur Chatur may ALWAYS suggest the husband or NRI to file REVIEW before DJ wherever the situation so demands based on legal or technical issues.

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband or NRI,  may advise NEVER let you know that the Mediation comes directly under a DJ but Atur Chatur may on one hand advise you that Mediation comes under DJ and on the other hand Atur Chatur may advise you the malpractices that may happen in mediation for undisclosed favors and how to choose a mediator or at least how to press fair & unbiased mediation.

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband or NRI,  may NOT be the expert in Mediation but ATUR Chatur is expert in Mediation & also expert in writing mediation related writeups based on the current financial status of the husband which may indirectly push change of circumstances application before the judge and which may indirectly bring in the knowledge of the opposite party and the judge that the circumstances of the husband has changed and his earnings are NOT the same which used to be earlier and such mediation representation written or draft assisted by Atur Chatur may help the husband or NRI in cutting maintenance of the wife legally or technically without the burden or chances of rejection of such application by the judge.

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband or NRI,  may NEVER advise you how to push the matter into mediation but Atur Chatur may suggest you lego-technical writeup to press the pamphlet of mediation or mediation itself which is a mandatory requirement under the law at least by the Delhi High Court and most of the HC of India and also this is mandatory as per SC at least for the matrimonial disputes and the husband or wife whosoever doesn’t wish to go for mediation gets a negative mark. Atur Chatur is also the MEDIATION GURU or COMPROMISEGURU and he may advise the husband or NRI as to how to settle the matrimonial dispute or steps in settlement of matrimonial dispute or how to write a compromise agreement or mutual agreement or MCD (Mutual Consented Divorce) or compromise deed or Divorce Petition or Nullity of Marriage that may favor each & every issue which is importany for the husband be it maintenance or custody or visitation or non future interference by the spouse in education, health or welfare of the child and other issues related to emancipation rights, permanenet alimony or cheating or 420 IPC related points (or sec 138 NI Negotiable Instruments Act) in case any of the spouse or the wife breaks such agreement after getting first instalment money from the husband in first motion and doesn’t comes for second motion or re-opens the case after digesting the hard earned money of the husband illegally or through cheating or IPC 420.

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband or NRI,  may NEVER advise you to challenge the summons and he may call that as an unfruitful activity but Atur Chatur may ALWAYS advise you challenging of summons with or without application for CONDONATION OF DELAY.

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband or NRI,  may either NEVER advise you to file STAY application or some lawyer or advocate may advise you to file STAY APPLICATION whereas Atur Chatur may advise you such STAY application only in certain circumstances. Atur Chatur may normally advise you lego-technciality based automatically stay related writeups which on one hands kills the false petition of the wife based on husband’s WS and pre-applications i.e., applications before the WS like Perjury & CrPC 91 & Order VII Rule 11 / No Cause of Action related application because such applications may automatically & legally or technically stay the matter as against the husband or his relatives as that may move the case in opposite direction i.e., against the wife itself for filing false allegations or false claims.

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband or NRI,  may advise you NOT to go to court without a lawyer or advocate but Atur Chatur may advise you that scene from Mahabharata where Duryodhan was going to his mother to get super powers on whole of his body but Krishna does shame shame to Duryodhan for going naked before her mother and tells him to wear underwear or something to cover his thigh area and it is that part from where the Duryodhan gets killed as Krishna later on tell the Arjuna to attack on the thighs area of Duryodhana. Similarly, Atur Chatur may advise the husband or NRI to NEVER use the services of any lawyer or advocate if such husband or NRI is highly educated and may advise the husband or NRI that under NO SITUATION to tell his secrets to any lawyer or advocate even if he may tell you that, “DOCTOR SE CHHUPAYOGE TO DOCTOR ILAAJ KAISE KAREGA” and for this a newspaper cutting came to the mind of Atur Chatur wherein when Mr. Rahul (name changed) changed his lawyer/ advocate/ counsel w.r.t Pratyusha Banerjee murder case (name changed) then his ex-lawyer ot past lawyer informed something to either the media or to the court or to the police some facts which says something like that, “this matter may also be investigated from the angle of murder or abetment to suicide” so Atur Chatur may ALWAYS advise you NOT to share your secrets with any of your lawyer and secrets doesn’t only mean your wrongs or hiding from wrongs from the lawyer but secrets also means your trump cards i.e., your evidences so Atur Chatur may suggest the husband or NRI to keep his evidences especially the trump cards with himself in case such husband or NRI is highly educated & further Atur Chatur may STRONGLY RECOMMEND such husband or non resident Indian husband to fight these cases party in person i.e., without coming to India and without even giving POA to his relatives or parents in India and for this ATUR Chatur may suggest/ offer the draft assistance of Atur Chatur based on the evidences available with the NRI husband especially LOC issues, declaration of PO Issues, NBW Issues, Passport Issues or Deportation Issues or Embassy Issues or U.S./UK Employment Issues hence Atur Chatur may STRONGLY RECOMMENDS the husband or NRI to fight these cases party in person in order to put a dot on this great matrimonial business of India i.e., may be referred as MATRIMONIAL DHANDHA where false cases may be tried to push down the neck of the husband & his relatives but if party in person these cases are fought then NOT just the husband may win but he may also push his wife behind the bars legally & technically with damn surety because she filed false cases and husband knows all the laws or technicalities or husband may say that, “MERE PAS MAA HAI” or may say that, “MERE PAS ATUR CHATUR HAI” and we are very well aware of our laws & technical issues to push our beloved wifey’s behind the bars for filing non-rebuttable false claims & allegations for which the husband may have tones of evidences or documents in support thereof (documentary evidences) and also those evidences which may have been gathered by the husband or NRI through RTI, FA, SA, CIC, TEP, CrPC 91, Perjury, dp3, 497 Adultery etc with the noble assistance of Atur Chatur. Atur Chatur may also advise the husband or NRI that it may be a highly noble cause to put your wife behind the bars for the reason that “JO TUMHARE SATH HUA VO KISI AUR KE SATH NA HO” and this reminds me a story from Hindi Textbook whose heading was “HAAR KI JEET” where a DAKU snatches the gold & valuables and horse from a person by presenting himself as an old man to stop such person and thereby snatched all those articles as soon as that person stops his horse/ horse cart to help the disabled man but that person instead of getting under PANIC depicts a great presence of mind and tells/ suggests that DAKU (Ungli Maal Daku) NOT to tell others this story i.e., how he stopped him by posing an an old disabled man else “LOG KISI KI MADAD KARNA BAND KARR DENGE”.

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband or NRI,  may NOT advise you the difference between RCR and DIVORCE and may NOT be having that much deep knowledge about the better strategy and there is possibility that he may ask the husband’s opinion and whatever the husband says to file he may do so. Aut Atur Chatur may suggest the husband or NRI the better strategy or at least the optimum strategy which on one hands keeps forward the husband’s wishes and which on other hand protects the husband from biased laws and which on other hand may try to protect the Indian culture or Indian values because even the SC & HC of all states have time & again emphasized that the NEST/ GHONSLA should NOT be broken and courts, judges, judiciary, police/IO and the lawyers/ advocates must try their level best to unite the couple but it may be seen that the lawyer or advocate may immediately advise the husband to file divorce because as soon as the husband may file divorce his chances of getting convicted or going to jail may increase which such lawyer or advocate may never guide the husband. Even though the husband may be damn adamant to even go to jail but NOT to live with that lady/ wife who was abusive or who filed false cases on him, even then ATUR CHATUR may advise the husband two side open strategies or some diplomatic or non-diplomatic stand so that which on one hand protects the husband from conviction and which on other hand may open the chances for filing divorce at a later stage after collecting a lot more evidences by using RTI, FA, SA, CIC, TEP, CrPC 91, Perjury, dp3, 497 Adultery etc with the noble assistance of Atur Chatur. Divorce needs to be implemented in a right manner for whicg it is suggested that a thorough Consultation may kindly be arranged with Atur Chatur for which Atur Chatur may be told each & every fact of the case on phone in a very-very detailed manner in such Phonic Consultation with Atur Chatur which can be booked or for which appointment can be taken as per the procedure listed on top of this website.

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband or NRI,  may DISCOURAGE THE HUSBAND or advise him NOT to file request for issue of ARREST WARRANT against his wife but ATUR CHATUR may have his own experience & expertise to file ARREST WARRANT AGAINST THE WIFE for filing false case or for avoiding criminal case or for identity fraud or for misrepresentation or for fraud on court or for cout record tampering or for unethical practices or for avoiding criminal case against her which husband may have filed based on evidences u/s 340 CrPC or u/s 420 IPC or cheating or forgery or u/s 138 Negotiable Instruments Act or u/s 156 CrPC r/w section 200 where the husband may act as a witness against the wife before a SHO/ ACP to which the court directs while registering or lodging FIR against the wife.

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband or NRI,  may advise you to NOT file any preliminary objections or may advise husband to file very few PO’s as the judges don’t have time to read all those. Atur Chatur may strictly against anything like that. Atur Chatur may advise you that Judes are duty bound to study each & every PO of the husband and the judge cannot move ahead with a wife’s petition if those PO’s pose legal or technical hurdle r/w HC or SC Judgments but remember that, husband or NRI husband is advised to strictly NOT write the PO’s in an haphazard manner gathering unutilizable or unrelated information and such PO’s must NOT be written in GUSSA or ANGER because PO’s have to be based on legal & technical points mainly for which Atur Chatur’s draft assistance may kindly be arranged and must remember that if PO’s are written in an expert manner then that may end the wife’s false case or that may result in dismissal of the wife’s plaint for legal or technical reasons or for non-maintainability  in the eyes of law and if written in an expert manner then the judge is duty bound to dismiss such false petition of the wife but it may simultaneously be remembered that the judge may NOT come in the position to close the right of the husband to file WS which may happen if the judge would like to protect the wife for undisclosed reasons and for this it is necessary that the Consultation with Atur Chatur may kindly be obtained and it is also necessary that the draft assistance may kindly be obtained from Atur Chatur so that Atur Chatur may include all those legality & technicality issues which on hand push the PO’s of the husband and which on the other hand legally or technically snatches away from the judge the power to close the right of the husband to file WS but for this Atur Chatur may kindly be given the contract to prepare husband’s WS & PO’s well in advance so that there is good time in hand with Atur Chatur to assist the non resident husband in drafting his PO or WS or WS including all major applications.

सत्य को परेशान किया जा सकता है , पराजित नहीं 

Mahatma Gandhi said, "IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T GET"

Lawyer or advocate of husband or NRI,  may NEVER advise the husband or non resident Indian to file INTERROGATORY or interrogatories under Order XI Rule 1 which can very well gather evidences in the hands of the husband or NRI and which may also help in CROSS EXAMINATION OF WIFE or better we say indirect cross examination of your wife which may NOT just make the case of husband stronger but which may EXPOSE THE LIES of the wife and which may help the husband prepare ROCK SOLID WS FOR CIVIL SUIT and also help the husband prepare ROCK SOLID WS FOR PWDVA / DOMSTIC VIOLENCE COMPLAINT OF WIFE and in order to directly cut the maintenance claims of the wife this Order XI Rule 1 may help the husband prepare ROCK SOLID WS FOR CRPC 125 on one hand and on other hand may help the husband deny any maintenance to the wife and this may also result in PERJURY AGAINST THE WIFE before a criminal court/ family court where 125 CrPC may be tried u/s 340 CrPC or u/s 340 CrPC r/w section 191, 193, 195, 199 r/w 211 CrPC for giving so much contradictory statements both of which can’t be true together i.e., sone of the statements by wife is definitely false and for which the wife may be definitely trapped in perjury i.e., fraud on court because such vacillating stand by the wife may patent her own wordings against her and which may increase her chances of getting prosecuted for perjuring the Hon’ble Court. Lawyer or advocate of husband or NRI,  may NEVER advise you the above but Atur Chatur may ALWAYS you this provision contained under the Civil Procedure Code CPC and evidences gathered here are admissible as an evidence agsinst the wife is all other courts. This interrogatory can help the NRI with Nip-it-in-the-Bud tactics i.e.,

Conclusion:- In nut shell, it can be said that, Each Indian Husband or NRI’s case is different & unique and is different from other Non-Resident Indian’s case scenario so there can not be one formula that may fit for all NRI husbands or Indian husbands so it is necessary that Consultation on the PHONE with Atur Chatur may kindly be arranged to discuss your case specific fighting tactics as Atur Chatur may assist you specifically in all the NRI Issues from Summons Stage to Settlement Stage including LOC to PO and Compromise or Mediation or Forced Settlement i.e., Legality or Technicality based Settlement with your wife through counter cases because as per CHANAKYA NEETI,“BHAYE SE HI PREET HOTI HAI” which means that if your wife fears conviction due to false cases filed by her, only then, she may agree for settlement of her false cases, or else, she may drag this matrimonial dispute for years or may be for entire life. So, Act now before its too late. Immediately book an appointment with Atur Chatur for Consultation on the phone. Procedure of booking appointment is given above.

Best Wishes & Happy fighting false cases & SOCIAL STIGMA on u & family!!!


Once husband gets Notice/Call/Whatsapp from CAW Cell then the husband or NRI must immediately file LTR to close false caw cell complaint otherwise this caw will become FIR


Wife plays delay tactics by approaching husband's side for panchayat or meeting so that husband is not able to file LTR and his defense is weakened. A smart husband must file LTR and send none of the accused or his witnesses to panchayat but girl & her blood relatives must be there in that panchayat. Detailed steps are guided by aturchatur alongwith LTR to the husband or NRI


A LTR must be filed immediately otherwise husband won't be able to call his wife's complaint as after thought because he himself has delayed in filing LTR AGAINST WIFE


Defeat of that husband or NRI is guaranteed who lives in a fantasy world that he has found one of the most trusted & connected lawyer/ advocate on earth, however in reality, husband must fight Party in Person (PIP) by filing LTR against wife


As soon as Notice/ Whatsapp/ Call from caw cell is received, the husband must immediately file LTR AGAINST WIFE and invoke Contempt of Court related SC Judgment/s as applicable


If caw forces husband to pay huge sum to wife for divorce or threatens/ shouts at the husband then filing LTR is the only hope


Do NOT allow caw cell complaint to get converted into FIR because after that the DCP Office will deny all your RTI's saying that the matter is under investigation, hence, file LTR immediately on receiving Call/Whatsapp/Notice from caw cell


Husband or NRI should NEVER disclose his evidences to anyone except aturchatur 


Because lawyers are NOT allowed in CAW Cell so they will ask husband or NRI to file Divorce & they advise husband to NOT goto caw cell so that FIR is registered & he makes money in the name of bail, quash, trial, exemption from appearance, discharge etc


False CAW Cell complaint must be closed within caw cell by filing LTR so that FIR against you does NOT happen


If FIR is ON and False Chargesheet is submitted then do NOT allow framing of false charges against you. File LTR FOC at the stage of charge framing in 498a & other false cases against you


If CS is copy paste of FIR and the FIR is false, then that means the investigation is unfair & biased. Challenge the CS for Lacunae with help of LTR otherwise FOC won't be stopped


Putting false CS & the FOC based on false complaint is violation of your human rights. File LTR & do NOT allow a false CAW/ FIR/ CS/ FOC to be put on trial


LTR Post-FOC may be filed to enforce wrongs being done agaist you


Pre-Quash LTR is a must if the husband or NRI wishes to apply for quash in the high court


A husband or NRI must NEVER file a complaint against his wife, rather, he should file LTR AGAINST WIFE and follow the advises of aturchatur so that COMPLAINT AGAINST WIFE does NOT backfire on the husband


Mice survives earthquakes & sinking ships till the end because they take immediate action & start running to save their ass. Similarly, husband or NRI should file LTR immediately without wasting a single minute

NGO/ MRA/ SIF/ Whatsapp/ Advocate/ Dharnajeevis/ Youtubers

All these may talk very sweet to you & send you newspaper cuttings/ judgments/ whatsapp groups/ chat groups/ and may even arrange meetings/ dharnas/ social media videos to pull you towards honeytrap & may seek donation from you & build rapport with you & may secretly sell you as a client to your local lawyer or NGO lawyer firm for vested interests & you will never know unless & until you have destroyed your case merits totally, hence, it's wisely suggested to stop seeking hamdards, and rather, start looking for case winners from the very beginning & file LTR before it's too late


LTR PFAO must be filed as soon as judge passes an arbitrary order against you


File around 60-90 preliminary objections in DV/ RCR/ Divorce/ CrPC 125/ HAMA/ Chld Custody/ Visitation & other cases & do NOT allow any judge/ MM/ PJ/ DJ/ CMM/ ACMM/ DJ/ SJ/ ADJ/ Justice to pass an arbitrary order against you


Do NOT allow the judge/ MM etc to give you long dates unless and until you yourself are in need of it. Sppedy Trial is your right. Invoke this right using LTR Speedy Trial


Instead of filing STAY ORDER application in High Court, husband or NRI must file LTR DV or LTR STAY technically using several technical law points within lower court itself


There are laws for men in place, but these NGO/ MRA/ SIF/ Whatsapp/ Advocate/ Dharnajeevis/ Youtubers will instill fear in your mind that, there are no laws for the protection of men. They will present the SC Judgments to you as draconian whereas these same judgments may be used in your favor too. Plus there are tons of SC Judgments in favor of harassed men too, but they will keep fearing you / scaring you so that you become their regular ATM


Yashika Sahu Judgment & many more SC Judgments have granted minor daughter to the father, but these NGO/ MRA/ SIF/ Whatsapp/ Advocate/ Dharnajeevis/ Youtubers will tell you that child custody is given to mothers only. Even child/ children are snatched from fathers by the police or courts illegally and these NGO/ MRA/ SIF/ Whatsapp/ Advocate/ Dharnajeevis/ Youtubers will rather publicise your crying videos due to which you may feel like committing suicide. Isn't this also abetment to suicide?

WHY FILE 420, 467, 468, 471, 120B ON WIFE?

Because if you do NOT file Criminal Cases against wife then you won't be able to solve false cases. Do NOT even b mistake file any Civil Case on Wife. Cases can be settled only if you file Criminal Cases like 420, 467, 468, 471, 120B ON WIFE?


Why you search for Men Cell or Purush Aayog? Because you want to get rid of false cases or you want to get entangled in false cases & publish your crying videos. Think carefully & choice is yours


Because only aturchatur is there to help you in enforcing your rights & here your crying videos are never publicized for cheap publicity & your case or evidences are NEVER sold to lawyers or your opp party


False CAW Cell must be closed using SC Judgment without disclosing your all evidences. Similarly, DV & Divorce/RCR or Child Custody / CrPC 125 should be closed using NO CAUSE OF ACTION related judgments, & SC Judgments for Mini Trial


Husband or NRI should NOT allow a false court case to be put into trial by vehemently & eloquently objecting to technicalities of that false court case read necessarily with relevant SC Judgments


Any false case on earth can be closed using just RTI, Perjury & CrPC 91. The corrupt cops, unscruplous lawyers & unethical judges have to follow the law otherwise they themselves are liable to action as per relevant SC Judgments


If husband or NRI files Perjury Against Wife, then, he must invoke the relevant DECIDE PERJURY FIRST judgments so that simulataneously a crimnal case gets registered against wife, and thereby she is pressurized legally to agree for settlement with the husband amicably


Wife agrees for divorce, takes money from husband or NRI in the name of first motion and does not revert back for second motion. In such cases, husband should have filed LTR MOU or LTR MCD (Mutual Consented Divorce) so that at least a criminal case gets registered against wife, but all this is NOT/ NEVER guided to husbands or NRIs by these NGO/ MRA/ SIF/ Whatsapp/ Advocate/ Dharnajeevis/ Youtubers


If husband has agreed to give away his own visitation rights at the time of signing MOU or MCD with his wife, even then, he may file LTR VISITATION as per the child rights & this can be done even after many years post separation & MOU


If wife occassionally files 107/151 Police Complaint against an innocent husband or NRI to make ground for false 498a/ CAW Cell Complaint, then husband must file LTR 107/151 using direct LTR or Silent LTR approach as best suitable


If wife has left home of the husband or has stolen the jwellery of the husband & her in-laws, then, it is mandatory to file a LTR against wife either direct LTR or Silent LTR, based on whether the husband wants re-union or not, and which may also depend upon the issues involved in that marriage


  1. My wife complained about huge dowry including cash ad car whereas there is no dowry at all. What should i do?

    1. Mr. Rajan Jain:

      I, Atur Chatur, at MAN HELP DELHI http://www.aturchatur.com whole-heartedly welcome you.

      Since there is huge & unexplained & false dwory claim by your wife, hence, I suggest that you should get a False Dowry break write up prepared by us.

      Kindly email us only those paragraphs of FIR (or entire FIR) OR caw complaint by your wife or her CrPC 125 or DV petition in which she has written about dowry claim. I will also provide you lot of valuable judgments which will help you succeed in breaking her false dowry claims.

      Fees = 3k only.

      Our Email id is:-

      Mahatma Gandhi said, "If you don't ask, you don't get"
      Atur Chatur says, "What you will ask, that you will get"

      Best Wishes & Happy fighting false cases & SOCIAL STIGMA on you & family!!!


    2. NRI's or Non Resident Indians are the worst hit.
      From October 2017 onwards, Atur Chatur has started FREE CONSULTATION ON EMAIL.


      This service can be extensively used by NRI from USA, NRI from UK, Dubai & Middle-East Contries whose Indian wife has filed false police complaints or false DV Complaint or false 498a or the matter is in CAW Cell i.e., Crime Against Women Cell.

      If the matter is in Women Cell, then there is a set procedure to handle the CAW Cell by the husband without coming to India and without any lawyer i.e., Party-in-person.

      This write-up is given at SOCIAL STIGMA website and this can help the Crime Against Women Cell complaint to be closed at CAW Cell or FIR stage.

      How to Close False CAW or False FIR can be prepared with the expert guidance by Atur Chatur Sir by clicking the FREE CONSULTATION ON EMAIL page above or by visiting the website socialstigma.in

  2. Sir, I am very happy to read your website for NRI's viz., http://www.nri498ahelpline.com

    I am a NRI and I have filed Divorce from USA but the wife in India may NOT accept summons. What to do?

    I want to file Divorce from India also simultaneously. Can u assist me in drafting my divorce petition? What's your fees? I do NOT want to come to India for all this stuff. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Vipin Chadha , Nashua

    1. Dear Vipin:

      I am answering your query in my two replies as I need to write a lot so kindly read both the below replies from me. Thanks.

      Kindly read first reply as follows:-

      If your wife does not accept summons then around six months may get wasted. So let the summons be sent through court’s process servers. This is usually accompanied by “Summons for settlement of issues” and copy of “divorce petition” for which 30 days time is given to respondent/ wife to file written statement. Petitioner/ husband should side by side send the copy of the same summons through speed post and take a printout of delivery status from www.indiapost.gov.in after it shows delivered to wife-name.

      If delivery status shows door locked or intimation sent or refusal to accept or addressee shifted or addressee not living in that address then send 3-4 couriers from reputed courier companies one after another everyday and collect from these courier companies receipt in writing that wife is not accepting summons or door locked.

      Immediately thereafter publish within that city/ state’s reputed newspaper publication in both Hindi & English newspaper (one each) that you have filed divorce petition against your wife at court (details of court & case number).

      And also send some outsider to her colony’s president or other reputed person with a copy of divorce petition & summons for settlement of issues and get a receiving signed by him. If he refuses to give a receiving then in advance be ready to get all that recorded in hidden video which that summon delivery outsider will take alongwith him in hiding. Now on next date goto the court concerned and submit evidences, receipts, postal delivery status, video evidence, newspaper cutting and along with that file an application under Order XV Rule V of Civil Procedure Code and request the court to close the right of the respondent/ wife to file any written statement i.e., the right of the respondent/ wife to file WS may kindly be closed in view of non-acceptance of summons and delay tactics played by wife which is not allowed under the law of the land and CPC. Also request to decide the case ex-parte in your favor. Further, in order to prevent any delay and to get shortest possible date, the husband must also move an application under 21-B Hindu Marriage Act 1955 asking to dispose of the divorce petition filed by him as it is your right guaranteed vide Constitution of India to which emphasis was supplied by Hon’ble Justice J. R. Midha of Delhi High Court in a famous judgment of September 2014. RESULT:- Now the result is that the respondent/ husband filed his divorce petition just 2-3 months back and now at this date (NDOH) next date of hearing itself the judge is duty bound to proceed the case ex-parte in the favor of petitioner/ husband. This is how exparte divorce decree may be obtained by a respondent/ husband. Similarly, section-9 HMA or RCR i.e., Restitution of Conjugal Rights Ex-Parte judgment can be obtained by petitioner/ husband.

      Email me at:-

    2. continued . . . .

      Now, the question arises that, Can a husband do something when the wife files divorce petition and the husband is respondent?

      The answer is YES. But HOW? Please read as follows:-

      If a wife files divorce petition and husband is given time to file reply within 4-6 weeks and thereafter the wife is directed to file the rejoinder if any within 2 weeks thereafter with advance copy to respondent/ husband. Here what is seen that, if husband files Perjury application within WS and also files Order VII Rule 11 application and also Order X application to examine the petitioner on oath and also files Order XI Rule 1 (Interrogatory) application and also Order XI Rule 14 application along with the Written Statement itself then the beloved wife may NOT be answerable and she will be guided to play delay tactics because she may be put behind the bars based on the above said applications alone. Now what the wife may do is that, she may neither file rejoinder, nor may the wife present on the next date in order to avoid the husband’s applications because the husband’s case becomes very strong here. Now if the wife is supported by top unethical lawyer firm of the country then she may be guided to stand outside the court and some one will sit inside the court to see what is happening and the wife may be called only when the proceedings are about to happen against her. Now what the husband needs to do in this scenario? He needs to file an application under Order IX Rule 8 Civil Procedure Code request the Hon’ble Court to dismiss the suit of divorce filed by wife by citing the below paragraph:-

      Procedure where defendant only appears.-

      Where the defendant appears and the plaintiff does not appear when the suit is called on for hearing, the court shall make an Order that the suit be dismissed, unless the defendant admits the claim, or part thereof, in which case the court shall pass a decree against the defendant upon such admission, and, where part only of the claim has been admitted, shall dismiss the suit so far as it relates to the remainder.

      Now. If that someone sitting inside the court text sms’s the wife to come inside the court then immediately file an oral application to the court to not to give the wife the extended time to file the reply to your applications as this is neither allowed under the law nor allowed under the civil procedure code and get time from the Hon’ble Court to submit video evidences if your friend (whom your wife does not knows but who has seen your wife’s photo and was seeing this waiting tactics or delay tactics outside the court) has recorded such delay tactics. Request the court to note down your these wordings in the order sheet. If judge is biased then same day type an application named “WRITTEN NOTES OF ARGUMENTS” also known as “PURSHIS” or “PURSIS” application and submit those written notes of arguments for the day/ purshis and request the judge to take it into records. If the court refuses to accept then same day send it to the same judge by post and on the top of the letter write “WRITTEN NOTES OF ARGUMENTS” / PURSHIS application. Thereafter, on plane paper request for “INSPECTION OF DOCUMENTS” and paste Rs. 5 court fees and give it to judge and inspect the records. Inspect the records and get certified copy of those documents which you sent through post on Re. 1 court certified copy format available within court premises.

    3. continued . . .

      third reply for vipin is as follows:-

      Now, put a complaint against the judge because the wife played delay tactics which you recorded in video and regarding which you requested the judge to record your oral submissions but which were not recorded by judge and illegally and against the CPC the wife was given extended time to file her reply etc which is not allowed under CPC hence pray with folded hands that the wife’s divorce suit may kindly be dismissed and disciplinary action or other suitable action against the judge may kindly be initiated and other in-house mechanism against the judge as applicable within the powers of Hon’ble Registrar Vigilance of Delhi High Court. Further, also side by side and immediately file request for information under relevant sections of RTI Act 2005 and ask for video records from that time to that time only when the wife is seen playing delay tactics hence her right to file rejoinder and reply to your applications may legally be closed and all your applications therefore may kindly be decided in your favor. Further, criminal case vide Criminal Conspiracy is not advisable by me to restrict the number of cases, but still if the husband plans to file 120-B Criminal Conspiracy & 34 (Common Intention) then this must be accompanied with CrPC 91 and also with Fair & Unbiased investigation and filed under 156(3) r/w 200 of CrPC and these court video records may immediately be asked to be freezed as court video records may get deleted after certain short period of time.

      I hope vipin, both sides of the stories and also other ways of handling NRI Divorce in India is understandable to you. Kindly email me your facts of the case and write to me (through email only) all the evidences that you have (Do NOT send me evidences but just write to me what evidences you have) and also send me your US Divorce petition through email so I can help you draft your divorce petition in Indian courts. If any of NRI friend’s wants my assistance in writing his US Divorce petition then also feel free to refer him for the sake of MANkind. My email id is:-


  3. sir, i am NRI from punjab. I am in UK. I worked at petrol pumps and as waiter and after 10 years I have made myself in UK. I married in India thinking that Indian girls are cultured. But my experience is very bad. I married a girl from small town in UP and thought that being from a poor family she will feel highly appreciated and will take care of my elder parents but this girl was after money. She had a boyfreiend from her native village whom she called using my sponsorship as a worker. she was in adultery while i was at work. she robbed my money and left with him to India. I want to file divorce from UK. I request you to please write my divorce for UK as I have read about you that you deal specially in adultery and divorce of all countries laws. I also want to simultaneously file divorce in India. My sister is in India so I want to give power of attprney to her & I do not have faith in any of the advocates as I was heavily cheated by several advocates in my earlier settlement & litigations with my wife. I want you to kindly help me throughout in this NRI Divorce in India and NRI Divorce in UK. I request with folded hands to kindly take special interest in my case. I am will pay you really good for your services if you yourself handle all my write up and RTI and appeals till CIC level. I wil write you a detailed email shortly. thanks

    1. Email not yet received. Please send asap as right now I have good amount of time to work on it.

  4. Sir, I am a NRI soon to get permanent residency citizenship in united states. My wife has filed false 498a on me. There are only 5-6 dated allegations, rest allegations are wild. For dated i.e., specific allegations I have direct documentary evidences but the police is pressurizing my parents to call me to India. They are demanding three crores for settlement whereas the true fact is that she herself used to chat with her boyfriend on my laptop here in US. I have even sent the forensic lab report of this laptop chat by her but police is not listening. I have filed right to information to check whether there is look out circular in my name or not but its been rejected. Can you please prepare my first appeal or whatever you feel is best to challenge this rejection of RTI through which I wanted to check LOC. My friend here in US referred you & I have read a lot about your expertise. I want you to write the contents of my bail application and upcoming RTI's & written statement as you have very good command over both 498a & RTI. My father in law works in the ministry hence no one is listening to us. Please advise.

    1. Yes, I can help you in all your above applications. If domestic violence is also filed on you then email me your wife’s petition u/s 12 of DV Act 2005 and also mail me her section 23 ex parte maintenance application for which you will get help in writing preliminary objections and detailed WS and accompanied applications. If summons for DV have just been received or yet to be received then EMAIL ME immediately the copy of her DV as & when you receive it so that we can guide you directly challenging these summons in sessions court or appropriate application in lower court (MM/ JFMC) itself through PoA to your sister in India because the more you delay then you have to file application for condonation of delay. Let’s do it super fast.

    2. Send me your LOC right to information and RTI response by public information officer so that we can prepare the challenge & necessary write-up in respect thereof. If you have not yet got prepared passport RTI then you may kindly get that also prepared from me. I will myself write these and your WS. Since you have approached me hence kindly remember one thing that even though 95% of people I met till date have told me that police don't listen to them despite 'n' number of proofs/ documentary evidences they have but that won't happen in your case because I will prepare a very lovely write-up for you and believe me, the hon'ble & respectable Indian police will certainly listen to each & every of your evidences/ proofs and they may even be duty bound to initiate action against your beloved wifey. I hope you have such type of direct evidences & documentary proofs falsifying her own allegations before the police either in CAW Cell or in FIR or both. We will be using most of the regulations & circulars & advisory which they are duty bound to follow. Kindly email me at:-

      Mahatma Gandhi said, "If you don't ask, you don't get"
      Atur Chatur says, "What you will ask, that you will get"

      Best Wishes & Happy fighting false cases & SOCIAL STIGMA on u & family!!!


  5. atur sir, namaste, I am NRI (non resident indian) and currently in USA. In December 15 2016 my wife called 911 and reported False DV, those guys came and investigated whole thing and later turned out to be false case and then they didn't file any criminal case against me

    (I have letter from Police department)

    and in same month I went back to India but she didn't came & I filed for divorce.

    After 3 months she filed DV and 498A against me and my entire family including my 23 years old brother. My family got bail but since I am in USA I dint get that yet.

    So my question is - I do not want her to stay with my family even after RCR fearing she will harm them and again file false report.

    I have all proof of supporting her always which I will present before court.so how soon can we finish off the 498a and DV i also would like to file criminal cases against her obviously no false case but given the circumstances what criminal cases would be appropriate?

    I am 100% sure I will win 498a and DV, since I used to support her even before marriage and used to pay her 15k per month to support her. Is it very quick to get divorce after court get to know filing of false 498A ? Pls help me

    1. nitin bhai, kindly send me your facts of the case through email so that i can assist you in drafting your divorce petition.

      further, if you want you can book an appointment with me for consultation on the phone so I cam provide you valuable inputs and our strategy/ plan to proceed in this false extortion case.

      Yo book an appointment with me please se the procedure and also our account details so kindly visit:-

  6. respected sir, you gave me valuable consultancy for my brother's case last year. the protection letter was a real life saver for us and my entire family has been protected from false cases. i thank you for all the help you have provided to us till date.

    advocate aruna

    1. respected lawyer aruna ji, thanks to you also for having utmost faith in my writings especially when you yourself have a decade of good experience in practice in delhi district courts viz., rohini courts & tis hazari courts complexes.

      this is your dedication which has helped you succeed.

      as u discussed with me over phonic consultaing two weeks around, i want to repeat that, if your brother's wife stays in a peaceful manner then let her stay for the sake of the minor child but if ever again she tries to implicate you and your advocate friend then follow my advises which i gave you in our last call. also get an urgent consulting with me once any threats start coming from your brother's wife

      all other family members are requested to stay away from her i.e., no domestic relationship with her.

      feel free to ask any more queries


    2. thanks chatur sir, you are really chatur.
      i will contact you as soon as next development happens and i will book an appointment with you for phonic consultation.

    3. welcome aruna

      best wishes & happy fighting false cases & SOCIAL STIGMA on you & family!!!


  7. Sir, You prepared petition under section 12 of Domestic Violence Act 2005 on behalf of my mother last year end. My mother complained about domestic violence by my bhabhi on my government teacher mother. Thereafter, you also helped my brother file divorce through one of the strongest petitions ever for divorce based on cruelty. I am highlythankful to you.

    But sir, I am sorry to say that I contacted a local lawyer with some references and he is telling me that he has talked to I.O. regarding the counter FIR by my bhabhi (brother's wife) and the I.O. is demanding Rupees One Lakh to weaken the case of my brother's wife. Investigating Officer has told that he will not recommend for FIR if he is paid that amount.

    Further, that lawyer / advocate is suggesting my brother to goto his wife and live with her & then come out with a drama. I am confused whatto do? Any suggestions.

    1. deepshikha , your mother's DV and your brother's DIVORCE which you got drafted from me was already very strong and I told you already that you need NOT take any lawyer with you at least for the first 4-5 dates.

      Anyways, you have mistaken to contact the advocate and you should not have told him all those proofs which I strictly told you NOT to discuss with anyone.


      Now, since this lawyer is acting as a agent between you & I.O. hence you should immediately complain against him in the BAR COUNCIL OF INDIA and also in the BAR COUNCIL OF DELHI in the concerned district court where he practices.

      He told you to live with that lady despite having filed divorce. I STRICTLY AM AGAINST THIS.

      Stay away.

  8. Sir, I am thankful for your postings on the internet guiding people about how to fight false 498a.

    Also kindly suggest me the RTI to fight false 498a. I want to use your services for writing my RTI's & Appeals. You would be great if you can spare out your time to prepare my written statement for domestic violence.

    Thanks again chatur sir for quick reply. Kindly revert back soon.

  9. i will myself write all your RTI and CIC mattrs an also assist you in WS for domestic violence.

    email me:-

  10. My wife is a government servant & her parents are both working for govt. They have claimed dowry worth Rs. 20 lakhs but if I file TEP then they will get away by saying that they all are working and 20 lakhs is a small amount for them. I am highly depressed sir please guide me what is right & what is wrong.

    1. dear pankaj, need not worry. as they all are govt servants they can not get away from Income Tax regulations as we have 'n' number of provisions which we will include within the professional tep prepared by us.

  11. Chatur bhai, namaste. i am from janakpuri. I have got caw complaint copy of my wife through rti and io has told me that next date FIR will be done despite a lot of proofs submmitted by me. can u help?

    1. get a professional draft prepared from me immediately so that we can do something before the next date. email me your wife's caw complaint copy immediately.

  12. atur sir thanks for assisting me in getting my charge sheet returned for lacunae and assisting me in contempt of court against the police but the police is sending me 41a notice without court orders regarding return of charge sheet.

    1. when the charge sheet has been submitted by the police and an affidavit has been submitted along with it by the police then the police can not technically re-start investigation without court orders and since none of your court orders/ daily order sheets have any charge sheet return hence this is known as INVALID CRPC 41A NOTICE by the police.

  13. sir, i am from hyderabad. my wife left me with 15-16 bags of jewellery yesterday late night. what to do?

  14. immediately get a protection from false cases related representation prepared from us. we will include supreme court judgment related matter in it so that you get protection especially from 307, 313, 376, 377 & other related sections which are famous these days in false cases.

  15. my advocate is threatening my brother's family to pay him 2 lakh rupees otherwise he will not let them get my bail from district court. he is saying that he has links with the judges.

    1. this is unethical. immediately get a draft prepared from me which you can file with bar council and relevant authorities.

  16. i want to prepare crpc 91 but my advocate is not allowing me. he is scaring me & discouraging me not to file crpc 91 but i know that by filing crpc 91 the falsity of my wife's complaint can be exposed.

    1. kindly email me those documents which you want the court to summon from your wife or CDR call records or mobile tower location or other documents from other authorities including tep and dowry declaration certificate under CCS conduct rules so that I can prepare your draft in a best possible manner as per our expertise. yes you are right that crpc 91 can help you end these false matrimonial cases as early as possible.

  17. wow!!!
    wonderful service for men trapped in false 498a
    you are god chatur bhai
    best wishes !!!

    shukla garments
    ex-498a victim
    and now well settled with my new wife

    1. thanks shukla ji and best wishes for your new life with new wife. feel free to get counselling from me so that your new relationship succeeds.

      i also provide husband-wife joint counselling in case you ever need it.


  18. sir ji, pai lagu. i feel like touching your feet. i was depressed and felt like committing suicide twice but after reading your posts I found a ray of light. i want to fight for my rights. i am finally acquitted and i want to file criminal defamation against my wife. cau u please assist me in preparing my draft application for criminal defamation?

    1. welcome brother, nice to see your fighting spirit & also feeling sad about the phase of depression which you have just come out of.

      yes i can help you prepare criminal defamation application.

      kindly ask me the fees for criminal defamation draft assistance through email id:-


  19. thanks sir for this nice blog in the service of men harassed by their wives like my brother currently being harrassed

    1. supriya ji, kindly email me the details of your brother at my email id:-


  20. NRI Jyotir Verghese MathewsApril 4, 2017 at 12:50 AM

    hi, i am non resident indian from doha qatar. i recently used the advise of atur chatur sir for my cases and within few mobnths itself my wife's side has come for compromise.

    this is the best service for NRI trapped in false 498a and I searhed them while i was searching for any good 498a helpline in india for NRI 498A USA or NRI 498A UK as Qatar is a small country.

    We the NRI's are the worst hit amnd we always looked for a service which caters to the specific needs to the NRI Non Resident Indians. I am happy that atur chatur sir manages this unique service for the help of NRI's suffering from false matrimonial dispues by their wives.

    NRI 498A Helpline also manages http://nriquash.com and also humanrightsofnri.com and the content of these sites is also unique for the non resident indians.

    I would like atur chatur sir to help me in OTS One Time Settlement of NRI 498A like me as NRI needs to fight the cases withot coming to India and atur bhai provides the best service for the non resident indian brothers where a NRI can settle all the matrimonial disuptes without coming to India.

    I highly recommend this NRI 498a Helpline service of Chatur Bhai to all the Indians overseas especially the NRI, PIO's & fOREIGN Citizenship holdes in USA, UK, Canada & Qatar & Mideleeast countries as Atur Chatur is really chatur is overseas laws also.

  21. Hi, I am a NRI. I am an indian citizen, got married in India as per hindu marraige act and customs. i am having US work permit and have been working in US. my wife filed a false 498a case against me in india.the indian court issued NBW against me. NBW is pending against me.as I am not coming to India to face the trail, the magistrate directed the passport officer to impound the passport. the passport officer impounded my passport. as i am going to get USA green card in one year, I am bothering about passport impounding.any how the interpol is not issueing red corner notices based on 498a cases these days. this case is pending in indian court since 2 years. I have some property in india on my name. I have no plans to come to India. as it is a false 498 a case, i do not want to spoil my life by coming to india and face the trail.I have few questions

    1) I have no plans to come to India. i will settle in US only. in this case, what happens if I ignore the passport impounding. ? what is the next step does the indian court take after passport impounding?

    2) what does the indian court do if I do not come to india for ever?

    3) As I am willfully avoiding the indian court proceedings and intentionally delaying the case for years together, I heared that my wife is going to file suit against me in the court asking for 50 lacs rupess for intentionally delaying the court proceedings . (I am unable to express the exact words. getting the justice quickly is every man right. as I am willfully and intentionally avoiding the court proceedings, she is going to file damages/compensation from me for my intentionaaly delay) . is it possible to her?, does the indian court allow this type of cases and grant such amount?

    pls let me know. thanks in advance.

    i ALSO NEED ANY 498A Helpline for NRI's in India. Any USA OR uk OR dUBAI. qATARA, dOHA, mIDDLEEAST HELPLINE FOR Non resident indians where I can learn about fighing false cases on NRI's trapped in false domestic violence cases

  22. Hi, I am NRI from philadlphia.
    I am the NRI SISTER of my brother who is NRI from USA in different state.

    I never shared Domestic Relationship with my bhabhi but still my bhabhi included my name. My lawyer misguided me to file for quash and aksed me to pay Rs. 2 lakhs. We were in a stage of great fear.

    I came to know about atur chatur and found that he is the NRI expert in India and also runs NRI 498A HELPLINE website by the name http://nri498ahelpline.com

    I jept reading about him and came across nriquash.com site from atur chatur. This is the site which I read and decided to contact atur chatur. I paid him 2k and he listened my case with great patienece and consulted the 498a with me and suggested me to pay only 5k for RECALL/ I couldnot understand what is that bt I PAID him 5k in his account.

    He told me to file the RECALL party in person directly from US without any advocate in India. I DID THE same. The resuly. My 2 lakh rupees saved which were advised to me to get my name out from DV.

    Thereafter I got prepared more tha hundreds of RTI, FA & CIC matters etc from aturchatur sir. he is relly the great.

    I visited social stigma SITE http://www.socialstigma.in and found that aturchatur was praised in year 2014 also when he was himself a fighter.

    NRI Expert in India or Men Rights for NRI is only aturchatur is the best non resident indian helper. I WILL USE HIS SERVICES SOON FOR my property dispute with my husband's relatives in India/ thanks

  23. Hi, I am ratan from USA.
    I came to knwo that:-

    NRIs facing domestic violence allegations 'advised not to return to India to avoid being arrested'

    What's the harm in coming to India for US NRI's or non resident from United kingsom.

    aturchatur suggests fighting false cases sitting right outside india. this is really great.
    please give me an appointment urgently so that I can discuss on phone with u my matter. i have paid the fees just now. my email id is rattanusa112@gmail.com

  24. NRI Manoj from LondonApril 17, 2017 at 12:49 AM

    I am NRI from UK. My wife stayed just 8 days with me then went to India to her boyfrend as a livein. She filed 498a & domestic violence against me to extort money from me seeing my NRI status as I am a non resident indian in london waiting to get my PR i.e., permanent residency.

    They even filed complainst in embassy and MEA and tried every bit to harass me. I being a NRI was under depression as I have been a non resident India for past 7 years and I was under mental trauma as police asked to iissue interpol & look out circular against me.

    I contacted aturchatur sir. he consulted me the entire matter with great patience. he made my several write ups including written statements or reply to 498a & DV & CrPC 125 and also helped me prepare several RTI's through his RTI for NRI service.

    I collected a lot of evidences using the services of atur chatur sir and we are planning to file perjury against thi lady very soon.

    I highly recommeedn this NRI service to all NRI's of UK or USA Based non resident indians as he will help you fight court cases without coming to india i.e., party in person. i thank u sir.

  25. i am NRI from USA. My wife cheated on me. She married me but continued her past relationshi and called her boy friend to london and got him employed as my driver. They were about to kill me but I caught them red handed. But they filed false 498a and Indian courts called me to India to fight these cases but \atur chatur made some letters for me due to which I am NOT required to enter India for these bullsh!t false cases. I am happy to have used the services of atr chatur sir, I recommened this service to all NRI's as he is NRI GURU FOR 498A
    Thanks for all the help sit.

  26. I am NRI trapped in false 498a.
    I searched in google for any NRI MEN CELL INDIA or NRI MAN CELL or NRI Police Stations in India or NRI Men Rights Activists in India.

    I came across NRI 498a HELPLINE by aturchatur sir. This site really helped change my life and my false 498s is about to be settled soon.

    Thanks aturchatur sir fr helping NRIs to fight false cases without coming to India

  27. My wife married me 2 years ago. She is now threatening me to file false cases.

    I don't know what to do?

    I am really scared to come to India. I want to fight these cases through power of attprney to my parents in India.

    I dont want to use any lawyer advocate and don't even want to come to India.

    Shri Atur Chatur Ji provides best services for non resident indians of america and I truley recommend this fight false 498a service to all NRI brothrs & their families in India or abroad.

    Thanks sir for being the best NRI EXPERT IN INDIA for men rights. I have gone thru your sire nriquash.com its briliant

  28. aturchatur sir, i thank you for saving my industry which i have set up in usa.
    my wife's family and their henchmen were really after us.
    but non resident indians like me who are ultra rich are the target of criminals.

    youe posts have saved me as I acted in the right manner reading your advises.

    you are best helper for false 498a victims like me who are victims of legal extortion by some indian women.

    i wish you best for helping non resident indians trapped in false cases. i would soon take help in preparing my hundreds of RTI's against this greedy family. thanks atur chatur for NRI support without coming to india and fighting false cases without greedy lawyers or advocates.

  29. NRI Aakrosh AggarwalMay 4, 2017 at 11:44 PM

    i am a happy follower of atur chatur.i follow all your blogs fromlast 2-3 years.i yook ur services last year to fileperjury.

    the perjury application that you prepared for my australian citizen wife (PIO) got admitted at firstcourt date.

    i am now able to win my false 498a,

    thanks to aturchatur for thios bestNRI service for the non resident indian victims of false 498a

  30. i am nri from canada and i am highly satisfied by using the services of atur chatur. he is the real nri helper from india. my permanent rsidency got stuck due to false 498a & domestic violence cases by wife but through very sime applications and RTI and first appeals and CIIC Complaints and second appeal & HC Writ , iWAS rightly guided by atur chatur sir and now i am close to closing the false 498a against me.
    tahnks & i highly recommen aturchatur for being the best 498a guru from india for the non resident indians.

  31. NRI PUNEET FROM UKMay 17, 2017 at 5:40 AM

    my passport got impounded illegally by IO and we were scared and got help from atur chatur in getting our passports back using RTI act. thanks for being a god for non resident indians like me and many NRI's who are suffering from legal extortion

  32. non resident indian from usaMay 18, 2017 at 5:51 AM

    i would like to recommend atur chatur as the best NRI 498A HELPLINE IN INDIA.
    they are the best for NRI specific issues be it fighting court cases economically and without a lawyer or handling the embassy issues especially the LOC, Passport & Proclaimed IOffender issues. i wish you best for this social sewrvice for US & UK based NRI's

  33. Non Resident Indian from USAMay 21, 2017 at 3:24 AM

    this in indeed the best helpline for men suffering from false 498a and domestic violence cases. this site has a lot of self help for non resident Indians like me who look for strategies but people or advocated never suggest them those strategies even after charging money.

    atur chatur site above has free information and free consul;tation and i being a NRI from USA and being myself suffering from false 498a feel happy and satisfied to see such nice 498a helpline for NRI from USA & UK.

    THIS IS BEST NRI 498A HELPLINE FROM INDIA as per me and highly recommended by me to all NRI brothers and their families.

  34. nri are the worst hit with false 498a as just fighting false 498a for a non resident indiands might sometime require for him to leave his job and business and come to india to fight these.

    NRI MEN CELL in India is an attempt by atur chatur. and such men cell or man cell india are required for men rights activists.

    i recommend atur chatur as the best men cell in india for nri of usa and uk

  35. NRI from USA suffering harassment by wifeMay 26, 2017 at 11:45 PM

    Hi, I am NRI sameer from USA.
    I am sufering harassment from my wife.
    I contacted atur chatur dotcom website and the servivces provide by these guys are really great.

    This is the best NRI MEN CELL
    This is the best NRI 498A HELPLINE FOR MEN as this caters to the needs of all the men who are non resident indians

    He also helps in returning of charge sheet and removal of proclaimed offender tag from the forehead of NRI's

    My friend who is NRI in UK referred to me the fight false 498a service run by atur chatur, theay are best & recommended to all non resident indians husbands for ther matrimonial diputes & property disputes. aturchatur sir is the best for NRI's. thanks

  36. I am Anil from Canada.
    I am NRI.
    My wife filed false 498a.
    I visited NRI QUASH website of atur chatur.

    This site really helped me open my eyes.
    LOC i.e., Look Out Circular has been issued against my name.
    But I am hopeful that aturchatur sir certainl;y be hgelpful for me.

    I am thankful for atur chatur counselling for offering this great service for the benefit of men kind.

    You are the best NRI 498A HELPLINE FROM INDIA.
    I will certainly use your services. I am writing you a email asap.

    Thanks 498a guru for helping non resident indians suffdering from false 498a in canada by Indian wives.

  37. NRI 498a Helpline India is a very useful post for the victims of false 498a & domestic violence especially thoe NRI's who are living in USA, Canada & UK, Dubai Middleeast. I recommend NRI 498A HELPLINE to all non resident indians looking for NRI MEN CELL or looking for NRI UK, NRI CANADA or NRI UK services for men rights activists from India husbands suffering from false police complaints by their wives in India


    Hi, I am Proclaimed Offender declared falsely by IO in Delhi.
    Atur Chatur's NRI service fighting for NRI rights is equivalent to NRI MEN CELL DELHI or at least NRI MEN CELL IN INDIA.

    I recommend this site to all Indian false 498a victims nonm resident husbands, recommended

  39. nri from usa californiaJune 12, 2017 at 11:36 PM

    i am from california usa
    i am nri
    i was suffering from false 498a
    atur chatur sir helped me secure my passport back
    this is the best nri helpline in india for non resident indian victims of false cases.
    recommeneded to all NRI from USA california

  40. NRI HIMANI FROM USAJune 17, 2017 at 3:21 AM





  41. NI Proclaimed Offender from USAJune 24, 2017 at 8:36 PM

    Hi, I was declared P.O. after constable came to my house.
    The judge did not follow the procedure.
    I searched Proclaimed Offender on the internet.
    I found relevant links related to atur chatur which suggested that under 498a IPC , section 82 Proclaimed Offender declaration is illegal.

    I simply challenged this & got P.O. removed WITHOUT COMING TO INDIA.
    I also got my cases resolved without entering India or without goig to India.

    Atur Chatur is real helpler and as a NRI MEN CELL IN INDIA i give cent per cent marks to atur chatur and highly recommend non resident indians to use the services of atur chatur

  42. Dear Sir,

    My brother's wife left our home in March 2016. Took all jewellery with her. We tried to discuss with her and her famil members, relatives 3-4 times in a span of 8-9 months. But no response. In January 2017 she filed application at commissioner office, where my brother and her counselling done 3 times in that particular month. In that counselling she put false allegations on me that, I am having bad intentions towards her and having adulterous eyes. She also said that when she told my brother about this at that time he beated her. Moving further she also alleged my father and mother that the whole incident was known by them and they did not pay attention on the issue. After hearing these allegations my brother told counselor that, he can't continue with her as she is claiming false allegations on whole family. She also gave and application of her false allegations against my brother and whole family at local police station.
    She also alleged falsely that at the time she left our home in march 2016, my brother took her 130 grmas jewellery she was wearing in front of her brother. We were all asked by police to come to the police station, and they took our statements.
    Police understood the situation that she is claiming false allegations. But at this time she didn't file for NC or FIR, so police just took our statement. In April 2017 my brother filed for divorce in family court, she received the notice from belief. Then she appeared in familly court last month, and the date has been given in this month for counselling through a counselor. Now what she did is she filed a DV case against my brother and whole familly including me with same allegations with new more false allegations added to it. Yesterday we appeared before district court and court has asked both of them to go through mediation process, so again couselling will happen in this month for 3 times. Now the court has given next month date for us to give us the reason not to approve her application.
    Kindly advice what we need to do in this circumstances.


  43. Dear Sir,

    My brother's wife left our home in March 2016. Took all jewellery with her. We tried to discuss with her and her famil members, relatives 3-4 times in a span of 8-9 months. But no response. In January 2017 she filed application at commissioner office, where my brother and her counselling done 3 times in that particular month. In that counselling she put false allegations on me that, I am having bad intentions towards her and having adulterous eyes. She also said that when she told my brother about this at that time he beated her. Moving further she also alleged my father and mother that the whole incident was known by them and they did not pay attention on the issue. After hearing these allegations my brother told counselor that, he can't continue with her as she is claiming false allegations on whole family. She also gave and application of her false allegations against my brother and whole family at local police station.
    She also alleged falsely that at the time she left our home in march 2016, my brother took her 130 grmas jewellery she was wearing in front of her brother. We were all asked by police to come to the police station, and they took our statements.
    Police understood the situation that she is claiming false allegations. But at this time she didn't file for NC or FIR, so police just took our statement. In April 2017 my brother filed for divorce in family court, she received the notice from belief. Then she appeared in familly court last month, and the date has been given in this month for counselling through a counselor. Now what she did is she filed a DV case against my brother and whole familly including me with same allegations with new more false allegations added to it. Yesterday we appeared before district court and court has asked both of them to go through mediation process, so again couselling will happen in this month for 3 times. Now the court has given next month date for us to give us the reason not to approve her application.
    Kindly advice what we need to do in this circumstances.

    1. You are suggested to get FREE CONSULTATION ON EMAIL.
      Please send your query to us at the email given below:-

    2. How to close false CAW or false FIR?

  44. I like the helpful information you provide in your articles.
    I'll bookmark your weblog and check again here frequently. I'm quite certain I'll learn many new stuff right here!
    Good luck for the next!

  45. Thanks A NONY, your nony nony remark is worth encouraging.
    I will take care to keep updating it with more relevant data as and when possible.
    also read:-

    thanks again as i feel a great sense of responsibility towards men victims of false cases and i will keep up the good work for all the good boys there and their families

    1. How to close false #MeToo complaint?

  46. Very nice service sir

  47. Hi, thanks for helpful post for victims of false cases especially false 498a, false dv, false 125 crpc and so on

  48. NRI suffering from false 498a is faced with the biggest trouble i.e., his passport may get impounded on return to India on aaplying for anticipatory bail.

    If NOT of the NRI, then the blood relatives of the non resident Indian may get their passports impounded, so, one needs to learn as to "How to get his passport back from the seizing authority which may normally be police but the order may have come from the magistrate which usually or mostly happens if the dirty cops have not acted in unethcial manner"

    Similalrly, red corned notice against a NRI may again get started ISSUING in a routine manner aaontrary to the Rajesh Sharma Judgment, and this is after the latest judgment of Supreme Court vis-a-vis SOCIAL ACTION FORUM FOR MANAV ADHIKAR AND ANOTHER VERSUS UNION OF INDIA AND OTHERS


  49. Divorce Lawyer in Delhi may be used for getting divorces done of NRI husbands and NRI wives i.e., NRI couples who are entangled in litigation.

    Divorce attorneys for NRI husbands especially the Non Resident Indian's advocates/ solicitors or counsels are always the best if they know the right procedure to get divorce between varying spouses

    Divorce Lawyer In Delhi or being an NRI non resident indian husband if you want to Compare India's Best Law Firms or looking for Top Divorce Lawyers, Advocates & Legal Advisors in Delhi or someone Who are some good divorce attorneys in Delhi then the 10 Best Divorce Lawyers for legal advice in New Delhi or Top 10 Divorce Lawyers in Delhi, Best Family law Advocates Delhi search is over as they are available for NRI's trapped in false 498a matters and you can easily Find Lawyers For Divorce Case in Delhi for Divorce Matter Lawyers

    and the Best Divorce Lawyer Delhi for NRI helpline 498a Delhi may have the Best Divorce Lawyer in Delhi for Best Divorce Lawyer in Delhi,Family Dispute Lawyer Delhi,Consulting for Best Divorce Lawyers in Delhi, Top Divorce Advocates in Delhi or Help in 498a IPC or to Fight False Dowry Cases‎ so best divorce lawyer in delhi new delhi, delhi or divorce lawyers fees in delhi and divorce lawyers in delhi dwarka or the divorce lawyers in south delhi and / or divorce lawyers in delhi high court for the nri nonresident indian husbabnds wife for best divorce lawyer in india and also provide for the divorce lawyer in west delhi as per the divorce lawyer in dwarka

    1. you do NOT need a divorce lawyer if you are a NRI because
      a false case of your wife may be broken up just by your evidences

      false 498a means cruelty and that makes your divorce easy
      stop looking for divorce lawyer in delhi, divorce advocates in india, best divorce attorney in delhi, top law firm for nri divorce matters, NRI family disputes divorce solicitors in delhi or divorce counsels in india especially the metropolitan like delhi as these divorce lawyers may not help you to get a quick divorce

      NRI 498A HELPLINE in delhi

      may be contacted for NRI matters and knowing whether Quash u/s 482 is suitable to be filed by a non resident indian husband or not

      Best Wishes & Happy Fighting false cases & SOCIAL STIGMA on u & family !!!

      Thanks & Regards

  50. i am suman ghose from kolkata. my wife filed interim maintenance. i am paying 15,000/- per month.
    in 2015 i filed crpc 91 to get her salary details. i have got the documents and she is lying as in may 2015 she filed petition and left job on 17 july 2015 but in petition she is claiming to be herslef just a housewife with no income.
    sir, please suggest me about crpc 127
    and is there any scope of perjury?

  51. Hi, I am Suraj Bhan from Sri Nagar in Gujarat
    My daughter in law filed false 498a IPC complaint against my whole family and my son is a NRI.
    Is there any way out to get ourselves free from these false cases as complaint under domestic violence is also filed by her whose summons are about to reach us as checked by our lawyer from the ecourts.
    any suggestions please?

  52. Narang NRI from New ZealandJanuary 17, 2019 at 2:27 PM

    Hi, I am Deepak Narang from New Zealand
    I was a student of Delhi's Rosary School.
    I was well settled in New Zealand as a Non Resident Indian till two years back when I decided to marry an Indian well cultured girl as my parents wanted a Punjabi Bride for me.

    But this girl was already in a serious relationship with a Lawyer from Delhi with whom she conspired to extort money from me after getting New Zealand passport.

    She filed domestic violence against me and I contacted the experts from India who suggested me to file counter DV Claims against her as complaint under DV by husband in NZ may at least be stronger than such complaints in INDIA by husbands on wives.

    I did the same and now that lady is banned from entering New Zealand but she filed CAW Complaint against me and I took help from same guys who helped me close the false women cell complaint as a NRI without coming to India and I followed their advise three times.

    Now, the Crime Against Women Cell complaint has been closed and I am just waiting for the divorce to happen.

    I am thankful to all such wonderful guys and men rights activists in India especially the NRI Helplines working for Non Resident Indians in matrimonial disputes because initially I was totally devastated as few of my friends NRI's from NZ and also NRI husbands from USA had been trapped in 498a FIR i.e., false 498a by their disgruntled wives.

    And I was also looking for "How to Close a false FIR u/s 498a IPC"
    "How to Close a False Crime Against Women Cell Complaint"
    and I came across such wonderful guys who helped me close a false FIR or a false CAW Cell complaint without an advocate and without going to court and that too without applying for anticipatory bail or going for quash as is normally ill advised by lawyers and advocates in false complaints by those husbands who have/ had ample proofs of violence by their wives or false complaints by the their wives on husbands on NRI husbands from USA/ UK/ Australia/ Gulf/ UAE/ Dubai etc.

    I would like to highly recommend such brilliant men rights activists in Delhi and all over India to all boys trapped in false CAW or false FIR u/s 498a i.e., false dowry claims by wives or under false domestic violence complaints by their disgruntled wives for legal extortion.

    Deepak Narang, a Non Resident Indian from New Zealand (working in Pinnacle Courier in NZ)

  53. Sir, I am Sid, a NRI from USA.
    I used your service last year and my complaint become strong against my wife after I filed LTR based on this link:-

    Sir, last year we worked for closing of false FIR by wife and as a result the police immediately filed charge sheet and the matter reached court, but since that LTR also contained counter cases, hence, the police is avoiding appearance and even my wife has NOT reached the court for long period of time.

    Kindly suggest me what should I do because the matter has NOT been pressed yet and I read your link at:-

    Do we need to file another LTR to press the matter or is there any option to file "ARREST WARRANT AGAINST WIFE" due to non-obeyance of court orders.
    Sidhhartha USA California , Non Resident Indian suffering from false 498a IPC

  54. This is my first time pay a quick visit at here and i am genuinely happy to read everthing at
    single place.

  55. Men Cell in Delhi is the one stop solution if you are looking for Men's helpline in Delhi or Man Cell in Delhi or a helpline for harassed husbands in Delhi.

    When someone gets a false FIR u/s 498a ipc registered by his wife, then, first thing that comes to the mind is helpline for harassed husbands in India or men's rights activists delhi i.e., where a harassed husband may file complaint against the wife in delhi.

    The complaint letter against wife in Delhi may be suggested by men cell in delhi in the form of man cell in south delhi, man cell in rohini or man cell delhi contact number.

    Similarly, if a Non Resident Indian boy married in India or marries a girl from Delhi and she files subsequently a false complaint with women cell in Delhi i.e., at Crime Against Women Cell in Delhi which is also known as CAW Cell Delhi then the NRI husband may start looking for NRI MEN CELL IN DELHI or a NRI HELPLINE IN USA/ UK or simply a helpline for harassed husbands in Delhi.

    Since the male harassment cases in India especially in Delhi are on a rise and therefore Delhi may not be just called only as a rape capital but also a false 498a harassment capital and therefore harassed husbands helpline in Delhi may lead you to man cell in delhi or you may check for male harassment in India statistics by way of save indian family of delhi helpline numbers in delhi or simply men's right whatasapp group in Delhi

    At Man Cell Delhi we provide the men with atur chatur counselling in which guidance is provided regarding how to file false cases. Also RTI , dp3, extortion, perjury, malicious prosecution, crpc 91, 21-b etc type fighting tactics are guided to you so that you can fight the false cases on you & your family at your own.

    mobile :- +91-9873540498
    email:- aturchatur@yahoo.com
    website:- http://manhelpdelhi.blogspot.in
    free ebook:- http://bit.ly/1GH4v4r

  56. man helpline delhi (9873540498)

    this helpline provides help Non Resident indians working abroad in fighting false 498a and false divorce and other cases filed by wife while the NRI is abroad and this helpline may help the husband fight or contest and close a false 498a or other false cases from abroad without coming to India and without even using any vakalatnama or an advocate / lawyer/ counsel/ solicitor etc

    atur chatur 498a helpline for men (9873540498)

    the helpline for nri husbands also suggest to fight these cases party in person

  57. man cell delhi (9873540498)

    if you want to know how to close a false fir then you must also know the difference between case closed and a fir closed

    so if a NRI is trapped in false cases then the delhi based men helpline may be contacted to know the real meaning of a false fir and how to close a false fir through fair and unbiased investigation thereby preparation of a b report by the state or police through it's IO i.e., investigating officer

    consultation by atur chatur on phone (9873540498)

  58. men cell delhi (9873540498)

    if you want to know the procedure for quashing then you must know what is the meaning of quashing because under section 482 of the criminal procedure code then quash of a FIR depends upon several factors viz., grounds for quashing, vague allegations, no prima facie case made out, non maintainability of the case and technical error in the state FIR or court complaint etc

    the procedure for quashing may be to first file a LTR to weaken the case and also may file few RTI's in which the High Court or the lower court may ask you itself to file a Quash Petition, and if after LTR a quash is filed then the chances of success may be higher.

    a LTR means a Lego Technical Representation details of which may be found at socialstigma.in

    atur chatur india (9873540498)

  59. man cell in delhi (9873540498)

    section 409 of the crpc and also the criminal breach of trust are some of the provisions which need to be studied closely before filing for quash

    but if a LTR is filed before going for a quash then that may be the best stratgey as the falsity comes on record of the courts and this may make the quashing feasible or possible with least pain hence in complaints related to 409 ipc also these may be studied invariably.

    atur chatur's helpline for men rights activists in delhi (9873540498)

  60. men cell in delhi (9873540498)

    compromise is always sought in a false 498a not just by wives but also by the husbands especially if the husband is a NRI for the simple reason that this compromise is based on an agreement to close all false cases but if the wife is cunning then after receiving initial amount she may turn hostile to the agreement of mutual contested divorce and the husband i.e., NRI husband may lose his hard earned money and this part payment given to the wife may be used against the NRI husband itself by his disgruntled wife.

    go for compromise in a false 498a but at your terms and if you are adamant to pay to the wife despite falsity of these cases then go for LTR based compromise and details about LTR may be found at socialstigma.in and the reason for this LTR is that the section 89 of civil procedure code guides the mediation and if the MCD or agreement is made as per LTR 89 CPC then this may help husband put on record those things which otherwsie may be difficult to.

    hence, it is always beneficial to file for compromise even if the matter is a false 498a especially if you are a NRI and your life and career suffers and you want to get rid of this parasite to go on with your new life with a new wife or live in

    atur chatur helpline on internet and email for nri's (9873540498)

  61. man helpline in delhi (9873540498)

    quashing means to quash the basic FIR whereas the cancellation of FIR means that state filing a favorable report in favoir of accused and sometimes also as against the complainant and the two modes to achieve this goal is to g for b report or a c report vis-a-vis a final report i.e., FR of Truth

    atur chatur consultation on email (9873540498)

  62. man cell delhi (9873540498)

    supreme court of india has issued guidelines on quashing due to the reason that the state usually holds the FIR and as soon as the husband files for quashing then the state/ police i.e., the investigating officer presents a charge sheet which is technically invalid because where was the IO sleeping so long, hence the SC has issued guidelines that even if the CS has been filed after quash petition u/s 482 crpc is filed by husband or co-accused in a 498a matter, or any other matter then, even then the HC or SC may listen to the FIR quashing so this is not an excuse that a CS hjas been filed and the FIR may NOT be quashed but even better would be an approach wherein the husband files a LTR as per the link socialstigma.in before filing for quash u/s 482 crpc

    atur chatur (9873540498)

  63. men cell delhi (9873540498)

    whenevr a man/ boy or husband from delhi starts seqarching/ looking for ways to get your fir quashed especially when a false FIR is lodged by the efforts of a wife or girlfriend then the first and foremost strategy is to contact a man cell in delhi but indian government may be in no mood to start such a helpline for men so the boys especially may start looking for man cell or NRI MEN CELL IN DELHI but the real help is provided only by those themselves experts in quashing of a FIR

    hence to get a FIR quashed a LTR may be filed as a pre-requisite to a 482 petition sample

    how to fight false domestic violence case as per atur chatur (9873540498)

  64. men rights for nri (9873540498)

    if you want to cancel a fir from delhi police online portal then you may be at wrong place so far as the delhi police portal is concerned for the cancellation of the FIR

    but if you want to know the right legal procedure to cancel a FIR then you may be at a right place for the sole reason that a FIR is a public document which is placed in the public domain and therefore if you want to close a false FIR then you may need to file a LTR which may be done with the help or assistance of the delhi police or the opnline portal so check the details or procedure of a LTR at the socialstigma.in or the link below.

    498a ipc by atur chatur (9873540498)

  65. man helpline delhi (9873540498)

    if the FIR has sole sections i.e., 376 and also the 34 ipc then there may be a greatert possibility of gang rape allegations against those accused who have been made co-accused of the crime with common objective

    and not necessarily the commo0n objective may be to gang rape but it may also be to abet the victim to suicide and one of those accuysed may have actually committed rape crime but the co-accused must have the common intention

    the false rape allegations especially those along with 34 ipc crime in a 376 FIR needs to be studied very carefully and found out the loopholes and after that a LTR as per socialstigma.in may be filed.

    atur chatur 498a helpline for men (9873540498)

  66. man cell delhi (9873540498)

    whenever a FIR has been filed then there is no question left to ask what happens after FIR because the basic purpose of registration is to conduct an investigation and if the investigation is not conducted then the investigation is not fair and thereafter if the husband files for quash and the IO prepares a Charge Sheet in haux pauz or in a haste then the FIR Quashing petition may still be heard and even the FIR may be quashed without having to go into or look into the CS

    the SC is strict on the state but still for the success of a Quash, a LTR may be filed before filing 482 petition in high court

    consultation by atur chatur on phone (9873540498)

  67. men cell delhi (9873540498)

    quashing of fir means quashing of criminal proceedings and the section 482 of criminal proicedure code may be used for such quashing but before going for quashing it may be relevant to file a LTR before hand so that the unethical practices may be duly curbed and the human rights of the accused may be protected and invoked

    in delhi, the men cell delhi needs a push from the government so that such org's come up and get estabished by the government of india like there may be women cells in almost all localities of delhi

    atur chatur india (9873540498)

  68. man cell in delhi (9873540498)

    best way to clear false allegations and to close a FIR may be to file a LTR given at socialstigma.in

    this LTR may help in closing a false 498a FIR and even the young boys trapped in false 376 related FIR by their livein partners or girfriends needs to be closed via b report or even by a c report and this may be done only by a LTR

    so boys and men need to understand the need for breaking sanctity of a women or at least break the sanctity of that women who has filed a false case on you and this breaking of sanctity needs to be legal or technical i.e., through a LTR only as per the best of our knowledge

    atur chatur's helpline for men rights activists in delhi (9873540498)

  69. men cell in delhi (9873540498)

    there is no tme limit to file a FIR but if there is a LIAR then 24 hours is the time as per rule i.e., a crime must be reported immediately or within a maximum period of 24 hours

    else the reason for delay of reporting a crime in delhi needs to be explained and a IO may not be a mute spectator and he is duty bound to do fair investigation of a FIR in Delhi so that the accused if innocent does not have to go into the hardships of mental trauma due to false 498a or other false FIR filed by disgruntled wife or some other disgruntled women

    atur chatur helpline on internet and email for nri's (9873540498)

  70. man helpline in delhi (9873540498)

    yes the police may very well be able to close a FIR but there needs to be followed a set procedure

    either the IO needs to be non-corrupt but if he is not corrupt then why did he registered the FIR at first instance if he was involved in that FIR registration process

    but if there is a 7 days time limit for enquiry as per Lalita Kumari Judgment which was amending later on to 15 days time by SC then also the State/ Police needs to follow not just the time limit of FIR but also the enquiry procedure prescribed under the law

    atur chatur consultation on email (9873540498)

  71. man cell delhi (9873540498)

    procedure for investigation after FIR may also include testification of the veracity of the complainant because if the complainant is of shady character then the FIR may be false and the IO therefore has the legal duty to weed out false FIR during his investigation

    the set procedure needs to be followed for investigation and this investigation may be unbiased and fair otherwise the husband may be required to file a LTR

    atur chatur (9873540498)

  72. men cell delhi (9873540498)

    when you wish to leqarn how to fight a false domestic violence complaint, then simultaneously you may also wish to learn the entire procedure i.s., what happens once a FIR has been registered

    similarly, in case of a FIR u/s 498a filed by a wife the police may be asked to close a false FIR in Delhi by contacting the men rights activists in Delhi

    men cell delhi or man cells in delhi may be contacted for filing a LTR against a wife if the case is outrightedly false and the husband has 'n number of evidences

    so, go ahead and file a LTR as per socialstigma.in

    how to fight false domestic violence case as per atur chatur (9873540498)

  73. men rights for nri (9873540498)

    legal procedure to cancel a registered FIR may be read at the below link i.e., 498a ipc by atur chatur

    but so far as the legal proceudre after FIR is concerned this procedure is very very simple i.s., to visit the place of crime and to do investigation because if the investigation is done following the right legal procedure then the cancellation of fir may be known

    and the right legal procedure for the cancellation of fir means to ask legally or technically the police to do fair and unbiased investgation and to do investigation as per the documentary evidences of the husband and thereby to prepare a B Report removing names of all the accused

    498a ipc by atur chatur (9873540498)

  74. man helpline delhi (9873540498)

    if a NRI from Delhi is settled in USA and he wants to understand the deportation procedure then he may sit confident because the deportation of extradition of a husband or a NRI husband from USA to India even by intervention of immigration/ i.e., Indian Immigration in US is not that easy

    because this is not a case of financial fraud like mallaya modi etc and a mere matrimonial dispute does not attract deportation or extradition so easily if a LTR may be filed as per socialstigma.in

    so, go ahead and file a LTR

    atur chatur 498a helpline for men (9873540498)

  75. man cell delhi (9873540498)

    in order to remove a red corner notice against a NRI by visiting men cell in delhi, it may be even better if the consultation by atur chatur on phone may be taken

    because during 498a consultation by atur chatur on phone consultation, the NRI may be able to clear a lot of doubts and thereby 498a consultation or at least a false domestic violence consultation with atur chatur by a NRI husband may be the right procedure or the right approach at this point of time

    consultation by atur chatur on phone (9873540498)

  76. men cell delhi (9873540498)

    by contacting any valid men cell in delhi or a legally authorized man cell in delhi, one may come to know that a 498a is applicable to foreigner also, if that marriage happened in India

    even through Priyanka Choprta and Nick Jonas marriage got happened in USA but still, this marriage was again taken place in India so evenb those marriages with a foreigner like Nick Jonas come under the purview of Indian Marriage and 498a is applicable with full force if such marriage with a Foreigner by an Indian Girl comes at a stand still

    So, why not file a LTR, in case a foreigner marries an Indian Girl in India because that marriage is then said to be Accure or Arisen out of Indian Soil.

    Similarly, a foreigner for his protection may never get his marriage registered in India so that the jurisdiction is never in hands of Indian Judicial System and in that way he may get out of the clutches of the biased laws or procedures in India

    atur chatur india (9873540498)

  77. man cell in delhi (9873540498)

    in delhi, when a NRI husband may look for a helpline for boys in Delhi or a NRI based helpline like men cell or man cell in delhi then he may come across some advocates/ lawyers

    but as per atur chatur, if the 498a FIR is false i.e., based on false and concocted events and the NRI husband has 'n' number of evidences rebutting those false, wild and bald allegations then the advocate may not be looked or searched for in a false 498a FIR

    atur chatur's helpline for men rights activists in delhi (9873540498)

  78. men cell in delhi (9873540498)

    how to hire best advocate for divorce of a NRI spouse or NRI couple is a madly searched query so the answer by atur chatur is to either do not get married but if you being a NRI has gotten married to a wrong lady then you may never try to hore an advocate or a lawyer especially if such non resident indian husband from USA/ UK etc has rebuttals or documents prving falsity of the FIR

    whenever your docs are not able to divert the investigation then in order to influence the investigation, you may never contact a lawyer or advocate and there is also no concept of hiring or firing of an advocate or lawyer

    it is called engaging a lawyer and signing a vakalatnama but as per the best knoweldge of atur chatur, the advocate need not/ never be engaged or hired in a false FIR if your evidences/ proofs are sufficient to suffice the falsity of the FIR and the complainant

    atur chatur helpline on internet and email for nri's (9873540498)

  79. man helpline in delhi (9873540498)

    if you want to know how to get bail under false 498a FIR
    or how to get the FIR quashed

    then go no further and read nriquash.com
    because this site explains the importance of quashing for a NRI and the propper procedure and pre-requisites before filing a quash u/s 482 crpc

    the LTR may be filed as a pre-requisite to a Quash so that the NRI husband does not have to go into the ordeal despite having tonnes of proofs against FIR

    atur chatur consultation on email (9873540498)

  80. man cell delhi (9873540498)

    if the parents of a NRI husband have been arrested then the right legal procedure may be to file for bail in the court

    rather and pre-requisite before a Bail u/s 438 or 439 of crpc, a LTR may be helpful for some NRI parents who may have been arrested under wrong surmises

    therefore the mandatory period of stay in jail i.e., around two months for a NRI husband's parents in a false 376, 313, 377 or false attempt to murder i.e., 307 ipc complaint or FIR u/s 307 Indian Penal Code, the husband needs to search for party in person tactics rather than contacting divorce lawyers so as per atur chatur, BEWARE OF DIVORCE LAWYERS may be an attempt to guide men victims of false cases especially those NRI husbands in USA/ UK who search for Men Cell in Delhi or a NRI MAN CELL IN DELHI

    Therefore the man cell delhi needs urgent attention so that the government of India plans to starting a similar helpline or men rights activists for men or boys from delhi

    atur chatur (9873540498)

  81. men cell delhi (9873540498)

    if a NRI arrested under false FIR having false domestic violence or dowry charges then the NRI needs to file LTR by showing his evidences and rebuttals to atur chatur so that only those or all those relevant proofs may be used or not used in a manner best conducive to uplift the case of the NRI before the bail authorities

    once the bail is obtained the next procedure for a NRI is to go for regularisation of bail from the court

    passport revoked or passport seizure if happened with the NBon Resident Indian husband then that needs to be taken back legally or technically and a LTR may be filed by the NRI husband

    how to fight false domestic violence case as per atur chatur (9873540498)

  82. men rights for nri (9873540498)

    men rights for nri may help the non resident indian husband in knowing how to file marriage visa for spouse and this application contains specific details about the girl to be married and taken to the USA/UK by the NRI husband

    498a ipc by atur chatur at the link below may also help non resident husband knowing his rights and procedure for cancellation of a FIR under section 498a of Indian Penal Code

    498a ipc by atur chatur (9873540498)

  83. atur chatur helpline for men in false 498a (9873540498) for NRI (Non Resident Indian) may help a NRI in knowing how to reduce alimony because the alimony or maintenance may be cut by invoking human rights and attacking legal extortion at the right point

    a LTR may be the right approach if the husband wishes to expose falsity of wife thereby reducing alimony or may be arriving at Zero Alimony for the wife based on LTR as per socialstigma.in

    In Delhi also such NRI from all over India may be able to get help from Atur Chatur by his able consultation

    so, go ahead and file LTR

  84. My wife has filed CAW and I want my wife back. I do not want to live alone for the sake of my three children who have been snatched by her. She is also demanding 25,000/- per month per child as maintenance and she is not demanding any maintenance for her but I cannot pay. I want her back. Atur Chatur Sir, I want to discuss my matter with you. Please advise so that I can pay your fees and consult my matter with you.

  85. social stigma means a stigma within the society against a husband when a false caw complaint by wife, is filed against a NRI husband who is earning big in dollars or foreign currency due to the very nature of a lucrative NRI job/ career abroad, but this high earnings comes with some wife type of parasites and this parasite named wife tries to eat up the finances of the NRI husband. to get protection from such stupid false cases, a husband must get his case discussed with aturchatur on phone and file relevant counters against the wife in order to close the false crime against women cell complaint of the wife in the caw cell itself without any advocate and that too IN PERSON by the husband alone and that too without coming to INDIA and in some cases, this may be done through video conferencing as VC is now allowed in Indian courts as well as CAW Cells in India..

  86. aturchatur's men cell in delhi's counselling or advise may be pertinent for nri husbands from uk, usa, gulf, uae and other developed countries, but, even the indian resident men especially the boys who are in government jobs or doing high position businesses must remember that, men cell | man cell | purush aayog are terms coined not by indian government but specifically there is a need for purush mantralaya or mens commission so get help from helpline number for men in delhi and get ideas for closing of a false 498a or false caw cell complaint by the wife

  87. PART 1:-
    If wife is hell bent to leave the husband's home, and starts defaming husband in society, then watch the movie PROVOKED. In this movie, its shown that husband is abusive and wife makes plan to kill him. Similarly, though a husband should not kill his wife, but he should let his mind work. Husband should bring pani puri, samosa, burger, dosa, chowmien or anything which the wife eats and eat together with mouth fully shut, but a mild smile on the face, and after she eats with you, open your arms but do not utter any word at all. Let her come in your arms. Play with her hairs, her forehead nad after some time undress her. Do NOT rush for sex even if you feel the need to. Let her come on your top and play with her breasts as if you are the calf and she is cow/ Just play, play and foreplay. The act will happen automatically. Generate pani puri purchasing proofs by making payment through UPI PayTM Google Pay etc and click her secret happy moments with you as evidences and discuss with us. Generate evidences, Collect her past qualifications, admission ticktes, hall tickets, exam time photos, travel billls paid by you screenshots and send to mencell in delhi, purush aayog if you wish to know, "HOW TO MAKE YOUR WIFE FEEL LOVED AND STAY WITH YOU"

    Remember that Calf Cow act may result in enhancing her breast size. For this, you may even feed her white flour, sugar and junk foods if she loves it. Women may never care for her future cervical or obesity problems due to this. They live in today's world.

    If she has defamed you, and you do NOT want to live with her, then do this secretly and discuss evidences with us on our email.

    Divorcing a cruel wife needs to be done with chaaplucy coupled with duplimacy otherwise if you push her, throw her out of the house then, whatever she writes in plaint may be treated as true and you may land up in jail or you may lose your government job.
    Get help from atur chatur counselling at:-
    Our Website is:-
    Our Email is:-
    Our Phone Number is:-

    Book a Phone Consultation to save your marriage or to get divorce from your cruel wife. It's possible and less painful than going through courts kachehri, police thana, vakeel shakeel etc. Get help immediately before it's too late.
    If you are in Delhi then visit:-
    Delhi Men Cell

  88. PART 2:-
    Be Silent. Let your mind work. Discuss your evidences with us on our email id given below.

    You might be wondering about some of the queries such as:-
    How Can I Kick My Spouse Out of the House?
    Can a spouse be forced to leave home?
    How do I make my wife stay?
    What is walk away wife syndrome?
    Can I leave my wife without divorce?
    What happens when a spouse moves out?
    Who has to leave the house in a divorce?
    Why does a wife leave her husband?
    Does a husband have to support his wife during separation?
    What should you not do during separation?
    Is my wife going to leave me?
    How do I stop my partner from leaving?
    What do you do when your wife doesn't want you anymore?
    How do you tell if your wife wants to leave you?

    The answer to all your queries is :- MEN CELL | MAN CELL | PURUSH AAYOG by reserving your time with aturchatur for phone consultation.

    Sometimes back, a boy asked us,
    My wife threatens to leave me and go to her parents, what should I do?
    Similarly, a lot of husbands ask, my wife threatens to separate the child from the father and file false cases on the husband and extort money from the husband, like My wife has left home. What are my options?

    Therefore, a husband wanted to drop his wife back to her native, but he was concerned that the wife should not say that, she has been thrown out of the matrimonial home, and he asked, "How to Leave Your Wife"

    Similarly, one wife asked us in the reverse that, "Moving Out of the Marital Home - Do I Lose My Rights to It?"

    and she was worried about:- Marriage: your rights to your home - Rights of Women

    The bigger question still lies in whether:-
    should i leave my wife?
    how to stop my wife from leaving me
    wife went to her parents house
    i want to leave my wife but we have a child
    i want to leave my wife, but i still love her
    how to convince wife to save marriage
    my wife keeps leaving me
    wife wants to come back after leaving, what should i do?

    Similarly, a husband was hell bent and adamant to save his married life so he asked us:-
    How can I convince my wife to give me another chance?
    How can I change my wife's mind about divorce?
    How do I convince my wife to save a marriage letter?
    Can one spouse save a marriage?

    In such circumstances, atur chatur counselling is best advised to all of you guys because of the below reasons:-
    Is it ever too late to save a marriage?
    Should you fight for your marriage?
    What to say to save a marriage?
    Can a love letter save a marriage?
    How can I save my marriage letter?
    What happens if one spouse doesn't want a divorce?
    Why does my wife suddenly want a divorce?
    How do you fix a stubborn wife?
    Should I give my wife a second chance?
    Should you give your marriage another chance?
    How do you get a second chance in a relationship?

    sometimes, this may happen that the wife shows signs of changing her mind, from staying with you, to shifting or drifting towards leaving you and vice versa, you can change that. just do it, rather than asking questions like:-
    how to convince wife when she is angry
    signs wife is changing mind about divorce
    how to convince wife for second marriage
    make your wife miss you during separation
    what to say to your wife when she wants to leave you
    how to save a marriage when only one is trying
    my wife wants a divorce but i still love her
    how to win wife back before divorce

    Get help from atur chatur counselling at:-
    Our Website is:-
    Our Email is:-
    Our Phone Number is:-

    Book a Phone Consultation to save your marriage or to get divorce from your cruel wife. It's possible and less painful than going through courts kachehri, police thana, vakeel shakeel etc. Get help immediately before it's too late.
    If you are in Delhi then visit:-
    Delhi Men Cell

  89. My brother took atur chatur counselling as soon as he got trapped by false complaint in caw cell against a NRI husband as my brother is a Non Resident Indian from USA on H1B visa. Closing of false caw cell complaint must be done within caw cell itself, this was learnt by me and my nri brother whos Indian wife came back, lived in live-in relationship with her past paramour and then after two months filed 498a through caw cell but befor registration of 498a FIR the caw cell was cancelled and we are happy to have used the service of aturchatur from India Delhi who also helps through men cell in delhi in contract to womens cells in delhi. kudos for this great work. keep it up sir. I mean keep your good works and good deeds up and strong. don't take me wrong. thanks sirrr

  90. National Mens Commission in Delhi or Delhi Man Cell helps NRI husbands in India about can a wife stay in husband's house after filing of divorce petition by husband in india? or simply speaking as to will wife have right to stay in husband house after divorce is filed? and this divorce may be filed in Delhi or at any of the district courts in Delhi so for a NRI husband from USA, UK, Gulf, UAE, Germany, Australia, New Zealand suffering from LOC and Red Corner Notice troubles answer your query i.e., is there a disadvantage to filing for divorce first? but in realting a Non Resident Indian husband must study the pros and cons of filing for divorce first but if the wife of NRI husband has filed for divorce then what if husband denies divorce? and how do i deal with my 498a wife? especially when there is address of men cell in delhi which guides delhi based men about how to protect yourself against ipc section 498a? especially the right procedure to handle a CAW Cell or Mahila Thana in Delhi where wife goes for filing a false crime against women cell in any part of delhi so how do you prove a 498a case is false? is a big question but not that difficult if you follow the advises of aturchatur mens helpline from its delhi branch which may also suggest you about does wife have rights to husband's property? and what rights does a women have in her husband's property? how can i prove my mentally cruelty to my wife? so that a false 498a may be treated as cruelty against the husband by the NRI's wife as per NRI men cell in delhi as this delhi based men's commission or rashtraiya | bhartiya purush aayog in delhi guides men so that the men harassed from their cruel wives reach the address of purush aayog in delhi to understand what is mental harassment in marriage? and what happens if wife filed false dowry case? so that the husband knows what to do if a false dowry case is registered against you so that bail is not a difficult task and sometimes when the NRI boy from USA etc asks atur chatur counselling about is anticipatory bail for dowry case? and then what happens after chargesheet is filed in 498a? then the major problem comes about the timeline of filing such false complaint such as can domestic violence be filed after 10 years of marriage? and what is the rols of police in delhi and can delhi police seek corruption in the name of law and can police give bail in 498a? as delhi based men may be wondering as to the real reasons behind harassment by their wives and how to counter a false 498a in delhi caw cell by delhi man cell helpline contact number for men from delhi and adjoining areas.
    purush aayog helpline number
    national commission for men
    purush aayog address in delhi
    purush aayog to protect rights of men

  91. Pre-Marital CounsellingOctober 16, 2021 at 6:16 PM

    Hi, I am Pratap from Delhi. I am NRI and I chose a wife from online matrimonial portal, but due to false cases and metoo by Indian women, I was worried about my future so I got in touch with aturchatur's pre-marriage counseling. This counselling fees of 2,000 and subsequent LTR based before marriage agreement literally saved my life and my entire career in USA as I am a Non Resident Indian husband in USA. I was about to be the victim of online marriage fraud vis-a-vis online dating fraud by some Indian woman and girls. Thanks a million times to aturchatur sir for helping me get out of the trouble and settle the matter and achieve compromise within a shortest period of time. He is probably the best and the only one pre-marriage counselor from delhi or India and I am going to use his services again for my marriage as pre-nuptial agreements in india may not be valid in India but the ways, steps and strategies suggested by atur chatur counselling were really helpful. You saved me sir. I love you truly. Thanks again and again.

  92. before marriage agreement are the agreement before marriage. its also known as a prenup contract or pre-nuptial bond. its valid in india based on certain parameters.

  93. such agreement may last forever or as per the clauses included within. go have an agreement to save your marriage from falling apart due to personal differences

  94. no, certainly not, never. it's a matter of consent and she is no longer chattle or property of her husband. she can do whatever she likes, but if you do not want to pay alimony and maintenance based on such adultery , then get in touch with atur chatur counselling

  95. Look Out Notice means a Look Out Circular or LOC. This is usually issued against a NRI. Get help from aturchatur to find out if there is LOC against you or not and also regarding how to cancel the LOC against you in false 498a by wife.

  96. address of man cell organization by atur chatur helps aware men about their rights and helps them enforceability of these rights in India

  97. as per aturchatur such no offense to anyone agreement contract or bond are a must these days to protect you your office/ company and your employees from any future dispute. do not hire a minor female employee as this does not aplies to her.

  98. Stridhan means the money, movable and immovable and inherited property and other rights of a wife in India. get help from atur chatur if stridhan has a mention of your purush dhan because purushdhan can't be legally included in istridhan.

  99. as per supreme court, an anticipatory bail is the human right and the right of every accused as per atur chatur, hence, this can not be denied by any court be it supreme court, high court or the sessions or district or lower court in India

  100. for couples, these love agreements must be made mandatory as per law, only then, there will be minimum of reduced number of false cases, disputes or troubles between spouses as per atur chatur counselling

  101. Proceed Ex-Parte and file ORDER-RULE application under CPC relevant and particular from case to case basis

  102. To file perjury against wife, gather the evidences and judgments, and then ask atur chatur to draft perjury application, and then file it using LTR only so that this perjury application does not bite the dust, and this u/s 340 CrPC gets enforced against your wife..

  103. within CAW Cell, mahila thana or NCW itself, a husband can file a complaint against wife, in such a manner that it does not backfires, secondly, it must be in the form of legal and technicality based complaint LTR so that this gets enforced using procedure as adopted and advised by atur chatur counselling for false 498a for NRI husbands in delhi

  104. legality or legal validity of second marriage without divorce agreement can be understood vis--vis procedure of second marriage agreement prepared by atur chatur

  105. Yes, any boy or girl can marry outside India with a NRI or OCI or with a Foreign Citizen. It's valid in India and legally enforceable.

  106. (1) File application to court
    (2) File a lego-technical representation
    (3) Go to passport office
    (4) Apply for passport release

  107. Yes, assistance from atur chatur counselling can be taken online divorce by a NRI in India

  108. It is an agreement to have sex with each other without clinging on the either side so that the partners are free to have sex outside also.

  109. Yes, NRI can file case against wife in India using LTR with the help of atur chatur counselling

  110. Forever. or as per clauses inserted in such after marriage contracts in India as per atur chatur, separate clauses may have different limitations or validity time period

  111. latest SC Judgment in NRI 498a cases have been impounding passports of NRI husbands in India, but, only relevant judgment in favor of Non Resident Indian husband can save him from getting his and his family's passport impounding, so get aturchatur counselling as soon as possible, and stay outside India to close false 498a and DV

  112. both of the couple can together or either of them can stay in that house, unless restraint or injunctions have been obtained by the aggrieved or estranged spouse, having legal rights to stay in that property.

  113. escaping 498a is easier than you keep thinking about it, so file LTR suggested by atur chatur counselling to make escaping of false 498a easier, feasible and optimum

  114. 3 years maximum. and for false 498a the punishment for wife is 7 years.

  115. a chargesheet means in court that police has complted investigation, and now its courts turn to frame charges against the accused

  116. mediation fails means jail for husband, but if wife deliberately tries to fail the mediation, then, use LTR assistance from aturchatur

  117. supreme court has drafted latest guidelines through its recent judgment in case of false pocso case against father, and these may be used by even other defendants/ accused as well

  118. To beat false 498a follow the steps below:-
    Step (1) goto nearby PS and file counter case
    Step (2) file, implement and enforce LTR
    Step (3) use the RTI Act to gather evidences
    Step (4) do not settle the matter once NRI husband's case is taken cognizance by court

  119. RTI against a person is possible using either a regulator or if it's a spouse then other spouse can get information from the public authority about the details of such a person held by them. This is the indirect way to get RTI for a person. Get aturchatur's expert assistance.

  120. Yes, wife can stay with wife even after filing 498a, unless and until the husband contacts atur chatur counselling and gets advice to stay protected from such wife despite 498a is on.

  121. 9873540498 is the national पुरुष आयोग हेल्पलाइन नंबर of India as per atur chatur counselling

  122. atur chatur. the best advocate of any high court of india is the one who writes applications and replies on your behalf truthfully so choose the right advocate of india in your high court concerned as per atur chatur counselling

  123. 9873540498 will help you save your family from false cases and it also help NRI's

  124. increasingly, the male are being harassed and beaten by their wife or female partners or relatives within the four walls of house, so there is need for domestic violence act against men in india

  125. Change the lawyer if he does NOT work. Complain to Bar Council concerned and also to Bar Council of India Head Office in Delhi India

  126. if you are looking for top legal consultancy services for NRI's in delhi or entire India then atur chatur counselling is probably the best and the only no.1 top lawyer firm for NRI husbands in delhi

  127. as a girl you must be concerned about marrying nri safely, and such nri also has a family and he too needs protection from fraud girls from india, so why not you two guys enter into agreement india based before marriage agreement which may be totally or partially completely enforceable in india, so that you as a girl, and he as our favorite chap, both get protection from fraudsters or fruad marriages in india

  128. Yes, if you file for divorce in USA even though the marriage was contracted anywhere else then you are on right footings because USA is the divorce hub of entire globe and this divorce decree can be easily enforced by NRI or green card holder boy in the country of marriage with assistance from atur chatur counselling

  129. like there is no polyamory marriage in India but such polyamory agreement can be prepared in light of legality based SC Judgment recently 2021, similarly, polyamory engagement is an educational terminology, which is used to refer to an agreement for polyamory as per atur chatur counselling in delhi

  130. Only the aggrieved spouse and NO ONE ELSE ON EARTH can file case for bigamy. But if first spouse is NOT convinced to file a case on his or her spouse like Dharmendra's first wife (mother of sunny and bobby) didn't file a case on her husband, due to which, dharm paaji didn't went to jail for his marriage with Ms. Hema Malini. Also read about Kamal Hassan and Sarika (Shruti Hassan)

  131. To file a case against a forced marriage, first step is to get membership registration at atur chatur counselling. Thereafter, follow the steps as advised by them

  132. Blue Corner Notice is issued by the international police cooperation body to collect additional information from its member countries about a person's identity, location or activities in relation to a crime. Blue Corner Notice can be closed if there is any before marriage agreement or a pre post nuptial matrimonial contract prepared for you by agreement india

  133. The biggest point of an open relationship is the openness and truthfulness, as it removes the questions of suspicion over the another and this really helps both man and woman as per atur chatur counselling

  134. Yes, it is legal in different countries but if there is an agreement then as per atur chatur counselling, that would be the best way to legitimize online dating in india

  135. What's the harm brothers/ sisters? Yes, that's perfectly normal as that's normally a part of human behavior. So, if you watch for Swingers near you, or read about the SWINGERS STORIES then you will find that WIFE SWAPPING and HUSBAND SWAPPING IS LEGAL/ VALID AND ENFORCEABLE IN INDIA if that is done based on latest/ recent Supreme Court of India rulings/ guidelines and Judgments of 2021 so use the services of AGREEMENT INDIA to go for any such swingers journeys by you and your spouse and a known couple, with the help of MEN CELL IN DELHI

  136. YES, It's perfectly legal to have 2 or more pre-nuptial contract/ bond or agreements before your marriage. This is legally enforceable in India. Get MEMBERSHIP with atur chatur counselling to know more about it, and how to do it within legal framework of India

  137. Yes, police can file for bail cancellation in a FIR case as the matter becomes State vs Accused

  138. As soon as you find out that your OP has committed perjury, you HAVE TO file the section 340 CrPC Application PARTY IN PERSON ONLY AND IMMEDIATELY

  139. In many cases, the specific impact of breaking your Non Disclosure Agreement will be outlined in the contract which may attract a lawsuit for breach of contract. Monetary fines. Termination of employment (if the NDA is signed as a condition of employment)

  140. By booking an air ticket, he can easily leave the country. It is as simple as that. Do NOT confuse yourself brother. Go and leave the country or go abroad for a foreign visit. Enjoy your life brother. This is perfectly normal.

  141. sex slave agreement is perfectly valid in India if that doesn't tentamount to legal or illegal or private prostitution, and also if such an agreement is prepared using the latest judgment of 2021 Supreme Court of India

  142. atur chatur counselling is the best and no.1 helpline for men's in delhi

  143. atur chatur counselling may be translated in marathi to get maratha maharashtra men's cell bharosa (faith) helpline for men in pune by contacting 9873540498

  144. File divorce in the country of marriage or file divorce in the country of current residency or citizenship based on that new country's laws relating to recognition and dissolution of such marriages in it's home country.

  145. Purush Aayog or Men's Commission is required to break harmony between man and woman in the society and such demands are being raised by lawyers and their commission agents as they are looking for ways to generate clients but in reality neither purush aayog nor mens commission in delhi is required as the wife can be punished for false cases easily done than said, and also this can be achieved by having AGREEMENT INDIA SERVICE IN DELHI being used by men to save their marriages in India.

  146. No evidence is required to prove false 498a. trapping the husband in cross examination is easiest way to win 498a by women/ wife the same way metoo first conviction came in USA just based on cross examination and intelligently writing of the petition/ complaint by such wife so that she doesn't herself gets trapped in her own net of false cases on NRI husband.

  147. FREE. Yes, you read that right. If you apply for bail party in person, then you may not require a single penny to get bail in false 498a ANTICIPATORY BAIL in India

  148. No, the FIR is back tracked, and replace by CS or Chargesheet, but it is seen that police used to file CS as soon as FIR Quash petition is filed by NRI with the help of Top Lawyer firm in Delhi for Non Resident Indians so the SC Judgment now allows quashing of FIR in such cases where CS is filed haphazardly by the police/ state in false 498a FIR or any other FIR which is a big relief for men in India as per atur chatur counselling

  149. Where such person, at any time, fails to comply with the terms of the notice or is unwilling to identify himself, the police officer may, subject to such orders as may have been passed by a competent Court in this behalf, arrest him for the offence mentioned in the notice.

  150. No, suing means fresh petition. Pressing charges is done usually by the defendant against the petitioner.

  151. Types of consent include implied consent, express consent, informed consent and unanimous consent and this must be in the form of a written agreement only so that it's enforceable.

  152. new rules in 498a have been drafted by SC in 2021 for which you may contact atur chatur counselling

  153. Yes, in India though it is widely debated about the validity of a prenup in india, but still by insertion of certain clauses within such prenuptial contract, and as per Supreme Court of India, such prenups can be made 100% enforceable in India

  154. Filing a divorce petition is the stupid way of starting divorce as that may take up to many years and still you may not get divorce and you may even get entangled in false cases, but if you file a LTR PFFC or LTR PFAA then this pre-divorce LTR may on one hand protect you from counter attack for wreaking vengeance by your wife on seeing divorce notice, and on the other hand, this may help you get divorce quickly from your cruel wife.

  155. No, not at all. But it;s unethical of course and it may depress others who are struggling to find any partners for such alliance. Workers efficiency may be negatively reduced but still it is NOT at all illegal.,

  156. it may cost the sun moon and the stars if you are not vigilant enough so if you need divorce then before filing divorce suit, go and file pre-divorce LTR which makes the dispute smooth for you as a NRI husband and therefore as per atur chatur counselling, filing of LTR is mandatory if you want to file perjury against wife or counter cases against your wife and thereby you wish to settle the dispute amicably in the form of one tie settlement.

  157. Sexual Consent means giving your consent to your mating partner of long term or short term or may be for a one time sex

  158. Spouse has to respond otherwise rip him of his assets, finances etc as demanded by you in the divorce petition. He/ she can NOT challenge that so easily later on, neither under family court/ family law, nor under civil procedure code/ civil law or civil court. Get help from atur chatur counselling.

  159. Yes, Metoo Agreement can be written in the form of a Sex Contract Form in such a manner that this saves you from future metoo, secondly, this needs to be enforced too as per agreement india service by atur chatur counselling delhi | india.

  160. Yes, but rarely you may succeed in getting the cognizance for it

  161. format of live in relationship must try to remove the demerits of a live in arrangement with your live in agreement so that this agreement written by agreement india works just right for you

  162. Looks expensive at first but the money and time saved is valued 200 times.

  163. Very good service....professional and courteous

  164. Atur Chatur sir, is just humble and helpful person.

  165. Simply the best! Very friendly, welcoming, and easy going. I received excellent advice during every step of my litigation. Loved the way he handled my queries and gave me sound advice. Thank you.

  166. Mr Atur and his team give expert guidance and motivates each one of us to fight false cases with optimum strategies.

  167. Mr atur chatur and Mr hanumn vij are god for men who are facing fake cases .In a society where men are treated as second class citizens , these 2 people are a ray of hope .Thousands of men commit suicide every year due to false cases and by providing genuine legal advice , this duo has saved thousands indirectly .I recommend anyone and everyone facing false fake case to atleast meet aturchatur ji and hanumanvij ji atleast once

  168. Value for money

  169. He is one of the best

  170. Nice person gives correct and to the point advise

  171. Very humble and to the point query handling.

  172. Excellent advice, guidance and help by sir for all my cases. Sir is always there to help the one in need. Lots of nightmares avoided with his guidance. Salute to your passion

  173. Excellent, amazing. Thank you Atur Sir for being so understanding.

  174. Clarity of thought along with domain knowledge.


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